Kea  1.9.9-git
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 agent_parser.hDefine the isc::agent::parser class
 botan_boost_tls.ccBotan boost ASIO implementation of the TLS API
 botan_boost_tls.hBotan boost ASIO implementation of the TLS API
 botan_boost_wrapper.hBotan boost ASIO wrapper
 botan_tls.ccBotan fake implementation of the TLS API
 botan_tls.hBotan fake implementation of the TLS API
 classify.hDefines elements for storing the names of client classes
 client_class_def.hDefines classes for storing client class definitions
 client_class_def_parser.ccMethod implementations for client class definition parsing
 client_class_def_parser.hParsers for client class definitions
 command_interpreter.hThis file contains several functions and constants that are used for handling commands and responses sent over control channel
 common_tls.ccCommon part of implementations of the TLS API
 common_tls.hCommon TLS API
 control_socket.hContains declarations for control socket communication
 crypto_tls.hTLS API
 d2_client_cfg.hDefines the D2ClientConfig class
 d2_client_mgr.hDefines the D2ClientMgr class
 d2_config.hA collection of classes for housing and parsing the application configuration necessary for the DHCP-DDNS application (aka D2)
 d2_parser.hDefine the isc::d2::parser class
 d2_queue_mgr.hThis file defines the class D2QueueMgr
 d2_simple_parser.ccThis sets of arrays define the default values and values inherited (derived) between various scopes
 d2_update_mgr.hThis file defines the class D2UpdateMgr
 db_log.hWe want to reuse the database backend connection and exchange code for other uses, in particular for hook libraries
 dhcp4_log.ccContains the loggers used by the DHCPv4 server component
 dhcp4_log.hContains declarations for loggers used by the DHCPv4 server component
 dhcp4_parser.hDefine the isc::dhcp::parser class
 dhcp4o6_ipc.hDefines the Dhcp4o6IpcBase class
 dhcp4to6_ipc.hDefines the Dhcp4o6Ipc class
 dhcp6_log.ccContains the loggers used by the DHCPv6 server component
 dhcp6_parser.hDefine the isc::dhcp::parser class
 dhcp6to4_ipc.hDefines the Dhcp6to4Ipc class
 dns_fwd.hForward declarations for definitions of libdns++
 eval_context_decl.hForward declaration of the EvalContext class
 fd.hWrappers around common unix fd manipulation functions
 fd_share.hSupport to transfer file descriptors between processes
 fork.hHelp functions to fork the test case process
 http_control_socket.ccContains the HTTP socket derived class for control socket communication
 http_control_socket.hContains declarations for HTTP control socket communication
 iface_mgr_linux.ccAccess to interface information on Linux is via netlink, a socket-based method for transferring information between the kernel and user processes
 labeled_value.hThis file defines classes: LabeledValue and LabeledValueSet
 lease_mgr.hAn abstract API for lease database
 load_unload.ccDefines the load and unload hooks library functions
 log_dbglevels.hWhen a message is logged with DEBUG severity, the debug level associated with the message is also specified
 logger_support.hLogging initialization functions
 logger_unittest_support.hMiscellaneous logging functions used by the unit tests
 log/compiler/message.ccMessage Compiler
 mysql_lease_mgr.ccThis file holds the implementation of the Lease Manager using MySQL
 nc_add.hThis file defines the class NameAddTransaction
 nc_remove.hThis file defines the class NameRemoveTransaction
 nc_trans.hThis file defines the class NameChangeTransaction
 ncr_io.hThis file defines abstract classes for exchanging NameChangeRequests
 ncr_msg.hThis file provides the classes needed to embody, compose, and decompose DNS update requests that are sent by DHCP-DDNS clients to DHCP-DDNS
 ncr_udp.hThis file provides UDP socket based implementation for sending and receiving NameChangeRequests
 netconf.ccContains the Netconf agent methods
 netconf_config.hA collection of classes for housing and parsing the application configuration necessary for the Netconf application
 netconf_log.ccContains the loggers used by the netconf agent
 netconf_log.hContains declarations for loggers used by the Kea netconf agent
 netconf_parser.hDefine the isc::netconf::parser class
 newhook.hEnable the use of special operator new that throws for testing
 openssl_tls.ccOpenSSL implementation of the TLS API
 openssl_tls.hOpenSSL implementation of the TLS API
 parser.hDefine the isc::eval::parser class
 agent/parser_context_decl.hForward declaration of the ParserContext class
 d2/parser_context_decl.hForward declaration of the ParserContext class
 dhcp4/parser_context_decl.hForward declaration of the ParserContext class
 dhcp6/parser_context_decl.hForward declaration of the ParserContext class
 netconf/parser_context_decl.hForward declaration of the ParserContext class
 pkt_receive_co.ccDefines the pkt4_receive and pkt6_receive callout functions
 pkt_send_co.ccDefines the pkt4_send and pkt6_send callout functions
 readwrite_mutex.hStandard implementation of read-write mutexes with writer preference using C++11 mutex and condition variable
 bin/agent/simple_parser.ccThis sets of arrays define the default values in various scopes of the Control Agent Configuration
 bin/netconf/simple_parser.ccThis sets of arrays define the default values in various scopes of the Netconf Configuration
 simple_parser4.ccThis sets of arrays define the default values and values inherited (derived) between various scopes
 simple_parser6.ccThis sets of arrays define the default values and values inherited (derived) between various scopes
 state_model.hThis file defines the class StateModel
 stdout_control_socket.ccContains the stdout derived class for control socket communication
 stdout_control_socket.hContains declarations for stdout control socket communication
 subnet_select_co.ccDefines the subnet4_select and subnet6_select callout functions
 testdata.hManipulating test data files
 textdata.hUtilities for tests with text data
 unix_control_socket.ccContains the UNIX socket derived class for control socket communication
 unix_control_socket.hContains declarations for UNIX control socket communication
 user.hThis file defines classes: UserId and User
 user_data_source.hDefines the base class, UserDataSource
 user_file.hDefines the class, UserFile, which implements the UserDataSource interface for text files
 user_registry.hDefines the class, UserRegistry
 watch_socket.hDefines the class, WatchSocket
 wiredata.hUtilities for tests with wire data