36 "SimpleRemoveTransaction, request type must be CHG_REMOVE");
185 }
catch (
const std::exception& ex) {
260 .arg(
334 }
catch (
const std::exception& ex) {
403 .arg(
void defineState(unsigned int value, const std::string &label, StateHandler handler, const StatePausing &state_pausing=STATE_PAUSE_NEVER)
Adds an state value and associated label to the set of states.
virtual D2UpdateMessagePtr prepNewRequest(DdnsDomainPtr domain)
Creates a new DNS update request based on the given domain.
The Name class encapsulates DNS names.
virtual void sendUpdate(const std::string &comment="")
Send the update request to the current server.
static const RRType & DHCID()
virtual void verifyStates()
Validates the contents of the set of states.
static const int PROCESS_TRANS_OK_ST
State which processes successful transaction conclusion.
void processRemoveOkHandler()
State handler for PROCESS_TRANS_OK_ST.
void selectingFwdServerHandler()
State handler for SELECTING_FWD_SERVER_ST.
static const int REMOVING_REV_PTRS_ST
State that attempts to remove reverse PTR records.
virtual ~SimpleRemoveTransaction()
static const RRType & PTR()
Macro to conveniently test info output and log it.
static std::string reverseIpAddress(const std::string &address)
Generate a reverse order string for the given IP address.
void readyHandler()
State handler for READY_ST.
boost::shared_ptr< DdnsDomain > DdnsDomainPtr
Defines a pointer for DdnsDomain instances.
static const Rcode & NOERROR()
A constant object for the NOERROR Rcode (see Rcode::NOERROR_CODE).
boost::shared_ptr< D2UpdateMessage > D2UpdateMessagePtr
Pointer to the DNS Update Message.
void setNcrStatus(const dhcp_ddns::NameChangeStatus &status)
Sets the status of the transaction's NameChangeRequest.
static const int START_EVT
Event issued to start the model execution.
Macro to conveniently test error output and log it.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
static const int SELECTING_FWD_SERVER_ST
State in which forward DNS server selection is done.
std::string transactionOutcomeString() const
Returns a string version of transaction outcome.
DNS Response Codes (RCODEs) class.
static const int REMOVING_FWD_RRS_ST
State that attempts to remove FQDN/IP and DHCID RRs for an FQDN.
boost::shared_ptr< NameChangeRequest > NameChangeRequestPtr
Defines a pointer to a NameChangeRequest.
void endModel()
Conducts a normal transition to the end of the model.
static const int SERVER_IO_ERROR_EVT
Issued when an update fails due to an IO error.
void selectingRevServerHandler()
State handler for SELECTING_REV_SERVER_ST.
const dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr & getNcr() const
Fetches the NameChangeRequest for this transaction.
static const int IO_COMPLETED_EVT
Issued when a DNS update packet exchange has completed.
SimpleRemoveTransaction(asiolink::IOServicePtr &io_service, dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr &ncr, DdnsDomainPtr &forward_domain, DdnsDomainPtr &reverse_domain, D2CfgMgrPtr &cfg_mgr)
Event sent when replace attempt to fails with address not in use.
Other, unclassified error.
#define isc_throw(type, stream)
A shortcut macro to insert known values into exception arguments.
void setForwardChangeCompleted(const bool value)
Sets the forward change completion flag to the given value.
std::string getRequestId() const
Fetches the request id that identifies this transaction.
isc::log::Logger d2_to_dns_logger("d2-to-dns")
static const int SERVER_SELECTED_EVT
Issued when a server has been selected.
Thrown if the SimpleRemoveTransaction encounters a general error.
void retryTransition(const int fail_to_state)
Determines the state and next event based on update attempts.
virtual void defineEvents()
Adds events defined by SimpleRemoveTransaction to the event set.
bool doOnEntry()
Checks if on entry flag is true.
void buildRemoveFwdRRsRequest()
Builds a DNS request to remove all forward DNS RRs for a FQDN.
const D2UpdateMessagePtr & getDnsUpdateRequest() const
Fetches the current DNS update request packet.
boost::shared_ptr< D2CfgMgr > D2CfgMgrPtr
Defines a shared pointer to D2CfgMgr.
DNSClient::Status getDnsUpdateStatus() const
Fetches the most recent DNS update status.
virtual void defineStates()
Adds states defined by NameChangeTransaction to the state set.
The RRTTL class encapsulates TTLs used in DNS resource records.
void setReverseChangeCompleted(const bool value)
Sets the reverse change completion flag to the given value.
Response received and is ok.
static const RRClass & ANY()
static const int SELECTING_REV_SERVER_ST
State in which reverse DNS server selection is done.
std::string getContextStr() const
Convenience method which returns a string rendition of the current state and next event...
DdnsDomainPtr & getForwardDomain()
Fetches the forward DdnsDomain.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.
const D2UpdateMessagePtr & getDnsUpdateResponse() const
Fetches the most recent DNS update response packet.
static const int NO_MORE_SERVERS_EVT
Issued when there are no more servers from which to select.
void transition(unsigned int state, unsigned int event)
Sets up the model to transition into given state with a given event.
The RRset class is a concrete derived class of BasicRRset which contains a pointer to an additional R...
Response received but invalid.
const isc::log::MessageID DHCP_DDNS_REMOVE_SUCCEEDED
static const int PROCESS_TRANS_FAILED_ST
State which processes an unsuccessful transaction conclusion.
const DnsServerInfoPtr & getCurrentServer() const
Fetches the currently selected server.
const isc::log::MessageID DHCP_DDNS_REMOVE_FAILED
void buildRemoveRevPtrsRequest()
Builds a DNS request to remove a reverse DNS entry for a FQDN.
static const int SELECT_SERVER_EVT
Issued when a server needs to be selected.
void clearDnsUpdateRequest()
Destroys the current update request packet and resets update attempts count.
static const int READY_ST
State from which a transaction is started.
void setDnsUpdateRequest(D2UpdateMessagePtr &request)
Sets the update request packet to the given packet.
virtual void defineEvents()
Adds events defined by NameChangeTransaction to the event set.
Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS update.
const StatePtr getStateInternal(unsigned int value)
Fetches the state referred to by value.
static const int UPDATE_OK_EVT
Issued when the attempted update successfully completed.
const dns::RRType & getAddressRRType() const
Returns the DHCP data type for the lease address.
void removingRevPtrsHandler()
State handler for REMOVING_REV_PTRS_ST.
boost::shared_ptr< AbstractRRset > RRsetPtr
A pointer-like type pointing to an RRset object.
void removingFwdRRsHandler()
State handler for REMOVING_FWD_RRS_ST.
DdnsDomainPtr & getReverseDomain()
Fetches the reverse DdnsDomain.
unsigned int getNextEvent() const
Fetches the model's next event.
static const int UPDATE_FAILED_EVT
Issued when the attempted update fails to complete.
uint16_t getCode() const
Returns the Rcode code value.
virtual void verifyEvents()
Validates the contents of the set of events.
static const Rcode & NXRRSET()
A constant object for the NXRRSET Rcode (see Rcode::NXRRSET_CODE).
void processRemoveFailedHandler()
State handler for PROCESS_TRANS_FAILED_ST.
virtual void defineStates()
Adds states defined by SimpleRemoveTransaction to the state set.
void initServerSelection(const DdnsDomainPtr &domain)
Initializes server selection from the given DDNS domain.
virtual void verifyEvents()
Validates the contents of the set of events.
bool selectNextServer()
Selects the next server in the current server list.
virtual void verifyStates()
Validates the contents of the set of states.