Kea  1.9.9-git
isc Namespace Reference

Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns. More...




class  BadValue
 A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method is considered invalid in that context. More...
class  ConfigError
 An exception that is thrown if an error occurs while configuring any server. More...
class  Exception
 This is a base class for exceptions thrown from the DNS library module. More...
class  InvalidOperation
 A generic exception that is thrown if a function is called in a prohibited way. More...
class  InvalidParameter
 A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method or function is considered invalid and no other specific exceptions are suitable to describe the error. More...
class  NotFound
 A generic exception that is thrown when an object can not be found. More...
class  NotImplemented
 A generic exception that is thrown when a function is not implemented. More...
class  OutOfRange
 A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method would refer to or modify out-of-range data. More...
class  ParseError
 Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse. More...
class  ToElementError
 Cannot unparse error. More...
class  Unexpected
 A generic exception that is thrown when an unexpected error condition occurs. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.


provides default implementation for basic daemon operations

Logger Output Option.

Logger Specification.

Define Name of Root Logger.

Defines the logger used by the libkea-http library.

Defines the logger used by the HTTP authentication.

Defines the logger used by the Hooks.

Defines the logger used by the Eval (classification) code.

Defines the logger used by the isc::dhcp::HostMgr.

Defines the logger used by the NSAS.

Defines the logger used by the isc::dhcp::AllocEngine.

responsibility of the completion handler to perform the steps necessary to interpret the raw data provided by the service outcome.

Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp_ddns.

Defines the logger used by the config lib.

Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.

: This header file and its .cc counterpart are very similar between DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. They should be merged. A ticket #2355.
Code points in comments are those assigned by IANA but not yet implemented in Kea. To implement a standard option, remove the comment characters, add an entry in std_option_defs.h, add a stdOptionDefs4 unit test in tests/ and update dhcp4-std-options-list-part2 in the dhcp4-srv.xml source file of the user guide.

The UDPCallback operator implementation is mostly a pass through.

In BIND-10, the name root logger of a program is the name of the program itself (in contrast to packages such as log4cplus where the root logger name

The logging configuration options are a list of logger specifications, each of which represents a logger and the options for its appenders.

Unlike OutputOption (which is a struct), this contains a bit more structure and is concealed in a class.

The logging configuration options are a list of logger specifications, each with one or more output options. This class represents an output option; one or more of these are attached to a LoggerSpecification object which is then passed to the LoggerManager to configure the logger.

Although there are three distinct output types (console, file, syslog) and the options for each do not really overlap. Although it is tempting to define a base OutputOption class and derive a class for each type (ConsoleOutputOptions etc.), it would be messy to use in practice. At some point the exact class would have to be known to get the class-specific options and the (pointer to) the base class cast to the appropriate type. Instead, this "struct" contains the union of all output options; it is up to the caller to cherry-pick the members it needs.

One final note: this object holds data and does no computation. For this reason, it is a "struct" and members are accessed directly instead of through methods.

This file provides stub implementations that are expected to be redefined in derived classes (e.g. ControlledDhcpv6Srv)