Kea  1.9.9-git
isc::yang Namespace Reference


class  Adaptor
 JSON adaptor between canonical Kea and YANG models. More...
class  AdaptorConfig
 JSON adaptor for Kea server configurations. More...
class  AdaptorHost
 JSON adaptor for host reservations quoting identifiers. More...
class  AdaptorOption
 JSON adaptor for option data or definition setting defaults. More...
class  AdaptorPool
 JSON adaptor for pools between canonical Kea and YANG models. More...
class  AdaptorSubnet
 JSON adaptor for subnets adding IDs and canonizes relays. More...
class  MissingKey
 Missing key error. More...
class  SysrepoError
 Sysrepo error. More...
class  TranslatorBasic
 Between YANG and JSON translator class for basic values. More...
class  TranslatorClass
 Client class translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorClasses
 A translator class for converting a client class list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorConfig
 DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorControlSocket
 Control socket translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorDatabase
 Database access translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorDatabases
 A translator class for converting a database access list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorHost
 Translation between YANG and JSON for a single host reservation. More...
class  TranslatorHosts
 A translator class for converting host reservations list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorLogger
 Logger translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorLoggers
 A translator class for converting a logger list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorOptionData
 Option data translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorOptionDataList
 A translator class for converting an option data list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorOptionDef
 Option definition translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorOptionDefList
 Currently supports kea-dhcp[46]-server models. More...
class  TranslatorPdPool
 Prefix delegation pool translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorPdPools
 A translator class for converting a pd-pool list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorPool
 A translator class for converting a pool between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorPools
 A translator class for converting pools between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorSharedNetwork
 Shared network translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorSharedNetworks
 A translator class for converting a shared network list between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorSubnet
 Subnet (aka network range) translation between YANG and JSON. More...
class  TranslatorSubnets
 A translator class for converting a subnet list between YANG and JSON. More...


typedef std::map< std::string, uint16_t > OptionCodes
 Map for DHCP option definitions handling code and an index built from space and name. More...
typedef std::set< isc::dhcp::SubnetIDSubnetIDSet
 Set of SubnetIDs. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, uint16_t> isc::yang::OptionCodes

Map for DHCP option definitions handling code and an index built from space and name.

The map is used to store space+name to code mappings so for an option data without a code entry the code entry can be supplied.

Definition at line 28 of file adaptor_option.h.

Set of SubnetIDs.

Definition at line 18 of file adaptor_subnet.h.