25 #if defined(__sun) && defined(DS)
38 class AbstractMessageRenderer;
112 explicit RRType(uint16_t typecode) : typecode_(typecode) {}
144 explicit RRType(
const std::string& typestr);
166 const std::string
206 uint16_t
const {
return (typecode_); }
227 {
return (typecode_ == other.typecode_); }
238 {
return (typecode_ != other.typecode_); }
258 {
return (typecode_ < other.typecode_); }
336 static RRType rrtype(250);
354 static RRType rrtype(257);
366 static RRType rrtype(32769);
480 static RRType rrtype(249);
516 static RRType rrtype(251);
522 static RRType rrtype(252);
528 static RRType rrtype(255);
576 static RRType rrtype(254);
684 static RRType rrtype(103);
690 static RRType rrtype(104);
696 static RRType rrtype(105);
702 static RRType rrtype(106);
708 static RRType rrtype(107);
714 static RRType rrtype(253);
720 static RRType rrtype(256);
static const RRType & A6()
static const RRType & DLV()
static const RRType & DHCID()
static const RRType & DS()
bool operator!=(const RRType &other) const
Same as nequals().
ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const EDNS &edns)
Insert the EDNS as a string into stream.
Base class for all sorts of text parse errors.
static const RRType & DNSKEY()
static const RRType & TSIG()
static const RRType & RP()
static const RRType & PTR()
static const RRType & CNAME()
static const RRType & MR()
static const RRType & TXT()
static const RRType & HIP()
static const RRType & NSEC3PARAM()
static const RRType & MB()
static const RRType & SOA()
A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRType object is being constructed from a incomp...
static const RRType & X25()
static const RRType & TKEY()
uint16_t getCode() const
Returns the RR type code as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
static const RRType & IXFR()
static const RRType & RRSIG()
static const RRType & OPT()
static const RRType & NS()
bool operator<(const RRType &other) const
Less-than comparison for RRType against other.
InvalidRRType(const char *file, size_t line, const char *what)
static const RRType & CAA()
static const RRType & Null()
const std::string toText() const
Convert the RRType to a string.
static const RRType & MX()
static const RRType & NSEC3()
static const RRType & KX()
IncompleteRRType(const char *file, size_t line, const char *what)
static const RRType & NSEC()
The AbstractMessageRenderer class is an abstract base class that provides common interfaces for rende...
static const RRType & GPOS()
static const RRType & MAILB()
static const RRType & SRV()
static const RRType & A()
void toWire(AbstractMessageRenderer &renderer) const
Render the RRType in the wire format.
static const RRType & MF()
static const RRType & NID()
RRType(uint16_t typecode)
Constructor from an integer type code.
static const RRType & UNSPEC()
static const RRType & ISDN()
static const RRType & KEY()
static const RRType & TLSA()
static const RRType & SIG()
virtual const char * what() const
Returns a C-style character string of the cause of the exception.
The OutputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating mutable data.
static const RRType & MD()
static const RRType & NXT()
static const RRType & NSAP_PTR()
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.
static const RRType & APL()
static const RRType & CERT()
static const RRType & PX()
static const RRType & MINFO()
static const RRType & LOC()
bool equals(const RRType &other) const
Return true iff two RRTypes are equal.
static const RRType & NSAP()
static const RRType & NAPTR()
static const RRType & MG()
The RRType class encapsulates DNS resource record types.
static const RRType & RT()
static const RRType & MAILA()
static const RRType & DNAME()
A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRType object is being constructed from an unrec...
static const RRType & AXFR()
static const RRType & WKS()
bool operator==(const RRType &other) const
Same as equals().
static const RRType & IPSECKEY()
static const RRType & HINFO()
static const RRType & LP()
bool nequals(const RRType &other) const
Return true iff two RRTypes are not equal.
static const RRType & AFSDB()
static const RRType & ANY()
static const RRType & AAAA()
static const RRType & L32()
static const RRType & L64()
static const RRType & SSHFP()
static const RRType & URI()
static const RRType & SPF()