The Name class encapsulates DNS names.
The Question class encapsulates the common search key of DNS lookup, consisting of owner name...
The RdataIterator class is an abstract base class that provides an interface for accessing RDATA obje...
A class able to load DNS master files.
A calculator of NSEC3 hashes.
This class defines DNS serial numbers and serial arithmetic.
The Rdata class is an abstract base class that provides a set of common interfaces to manipulate conc...
A converter from a stream of RRs to a stream of collated RRsets.
DNS Response Codes (RCODEs) class.
The Message class encapsulates a standard DNS message.
The RRClass class encapsulates DNS resource record classes.
The AbstractMessageRenderer class is an abstract base class that provides common interfaces for rende...
libdns++ implementation of RRsetCollectionBase using an STL container.
Factory class of NSEC3Hash.
The RRTTL class encapsulates TTLs used in DNS resource records.
The EDNS class represents the EDNS OPT RR defined in RFC2671.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.
The AbstractRRset class is an abstract base class that models a DNS RRset.
The MessageRenderer is a concrete derived class of AbstractMessageRenderer as a general purpose imple...
A simple repository of a set of TSIGKey objects.
The RRType class encapsulates DNS resource record types.
The Opcode class objects represent standard OPCODEs of the header section of DNS messages as defined ...
Set of issue callbacks for a loader.
Generic class to represent a set of RRsets.