This file defines the class NameChangeTransaction.
virtual void defineEvents()
Adds events defined by SimpleAddTransaction to the event set.
Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Add update.
void selectingFwdServerHandler()
State handler for SELECTING_FWD_SERVER_ST.
boost::shared_ptr< DdnsDomain > DdnsDomainPtr
Defines a pointer for DdnsDomain instances.
static const int REPLACING_FWD_ADDRS_ST
State that attempts to add forward address records.
void replacingFwdAddrsHandler()
State handler for REPLACING_FWD_ADDRS_ST.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
virtual ~SimpleAddTransaction()
boost::shared_ptr< NameChangeRequest > NameChangeRequestPtr
Defines a pointer to a NameChangeRequest.
virtual void verifyStates()
Validates the contents of the set of states.
static const int NCT_DERIVED_STATE_MIN
Value at which custom states in a derived class should begin.
static const int FQDN_IN_USE_EVT
Event sent when an add attempt fails with address in use.
void processAddOkHandler()
State handler for PROCESS_TRANS_OK_ST.
static const int NCT_DERIVED_EVENT_MIN
Value at which custom events in a derived class should begin.
void selectingRevServerHandler()
State handler for SELECTING_REV_SERVER_ST.
void replacingRevPtrsHandler()
State handler for REPLACING_REV_PTRS_ST.
void buildReplaceRevPtrsRequest()
Builds a DNS request to replace a reverse DNS entry for an FQDN.
boost::shared_ptr< D2CfgMgr > D2CfgMgrPtr
Defines a shared pointer to D2CfgMgr.
void readyHandler()
State handler for READY_ST.
static const int FQDN_NOT_IN_USE_EVT
Event sent when replace attempt to fails with address not in use.
static const int REPLACING_REV_PTRS_ST
State that attempts to replace reverse PTR records.
virtual const char * what() const
Returns a C-style character string of the cause of the exception.
This is a base class for exceptions thrown from the DNS library module.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.
void buildReplaceFwdAddressRequest()
Builds a DNS request to add/replace a forward DNS entry for an FQDN.
boost::shared_ptr< SimpleAddTransaction > SimpleAddTransactionPtr
Defines a pointer to a SimpleAddTransaction.
Thrown if the SimpleAddTransaction encounters a general error.
virtual void defineStates()
Adds states defined by SimpleAddTransaction to the state set.
Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS update.
virtual void verifyEvents()
Validates the contents of the set of events.
SimpleAddTransactionError(const char *file, size_t line, const char *what)
SimpleAddTransaction(asiolink::IOServicePtr &io_service, dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr &ncr, DdnsDomainPtr &forward_domain, DdnsDomainPtr &reverse_domain, D2CfgMgrPtr &cfg_mgr)
void processAddFailedHandler()
State handler for PROCESS_TRANS_FAILED_ST.