static size_t setAllDefaults(const isc::data::ElementPtr &global)
Sets all defaults for Netconf configuration.
static size_t setServerDefaults(const std::string name, isc::data::ConstElementPtr server)
Adds default values to a Managed server entry.
std::vector< SimpleDefault > SimpleDefaults
This specifies all default values in a given scope (e.g. a subnet).
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults D2_DEFAULTS
Supplies defaults for d2 managed server.
boost::shared_ptr< Element > ElementPtr
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults DHCP4_DEFAULTS
Supplies defaults for dhcp4 managed server.
void parse(const NetconfConfigPtr &ctx, const isc::data::ConstElementPtr &config, bool check_only)
Parses the netconf configuration.
static const isc::data::ParamsList INHERIT_TO_SERVERS
List of parameters that can be inherited to managed-servers scope.
boost::shared_ptr< const Element > ConstElementPtr
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults DHCP6_DEFAULTS
Supplies defaults for dhcp6 managed server.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-dhcp-ddns.
std::vector< std::string > ParamsList
This defines a list of all parameters that are derived (or inherited) between contexts.
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults CTRL_SOCK_DEFAULTS
Supplies defaults for control-socket elements.
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults NETCONF_DEFAULTS
This table defines default values for global options.
static const isc::data::SimpleDefaults CA_DEFAULTS
Supplies defaults for ca managed server.
static size_t deriveParameters(isc::data::ConstElementPtr global)
Derives (inherits) all parameters from global to more specific scopes.
boost::shared_ptr< NetconfConfig > NetconfConfigPtr
Pointer to a configuration context.