Well known SCTP, TCP and UDP ports, 0 through 999 |
Links: | IANA: port assignments. |
The well known ports are assigned by IANA in the range of 0 to 1023.
Port | Protocol |
0 | Shirt Pocket netTunes. Shirt Pocket launchTunes. |
1 | TCPMUX, TCP Port Service Multiplexer. |
2 | Management Utility. |
3 | Compression Process. |
4 | |
5 | Remote Job Entry. |
6 | |
7 | Echo. |
8 | |
9 | Discard. |
10 | |
11 | SYSTAT. |
12 | |
13 | Daytime. |
14 | |
15 | [was netstat]. |
16 | |
17 | Quote, Quote of the Day. |
18 |
RWP, Remote Write Protocol. Send, Message Send Protocol. |
19 | Chargen, Character Generator Protocol. |
20 | FTP, File Transfer Protocol, data. |
21 | FTP, File Transfer Protocol, control. |
22 | SSH. |
23 | Telnet. |
24 | Any private mail system. |
25 | SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. |
26 | |
27 | NSW User System FE. |
28 | |
29 | MSG ICP. |
30 | |
31 | MSG Authentication. |
32 | |
33 | Display Support Protocol. |
34 | |
35 | Any private printer server. |
36 | |
37 | Time, Time Protocol. |
38 | RAP, Internet Route Access Protocol. |
39 | RLP, Resource Location Protocol. |
40 | |
41 | Graphics. |
42 | Internet Name Server. |
43 | Whois. |
44 | MPM FLAGS Protocol. |
45 | Internet Message Protocol. |
46 | MPM [default send]. |
47 | NI FTP. |
48 | Digital Audit Daemon. |
49 |
50 | RMCP, Remote Mail Checking Protocol. |
51 | IMP Logical Address Maintenance. |
52 | XNS Time Protocol. |
53 | DNS, Domain Name System. |
54 | XNS Clearinghouse. |
55 | ISI Graphics Language. |
56 | XNS Authentication. |
57 | MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol. |
58 | XNS Mail. |
59 | NFILE. |
60 | |
61 | NI MAIL. |
62 | ACA Services. |
63 | Whois++. |
64 | Communications Integrator (CI). |
65 | TACACS-Database Service. |
66 | Oracle SQL*NET. |
67 | BOOTP, Bootstrap Protocol, server. |
68 | BOOTP, Bootstrap Protocol, client. |
69 | TFTP, Trivial File Transfer Protocol. |
70 | Gopher. |
71 | Remote Job Service. |
72 | Remote Job Service. |
73 | Remote Job Service. |
74 | Remote Job Service. |
75 | Any private dial out service. |
76 | Distributed External Object Store. |
77 | Any private RJE service. |
78 | vettcp. |
79 | Finger. |
80 | HTTP, HyperText Transfer Protocol. |
81 | HOSTS2 Name Server. |
82 | XFER Utility. |
83 | MIT ML Device. |
84 | Common Trace Facility. |
85 | MIT ML Device. |
86 | Micro Focus Cobol. |
87 | Any private terminal link. |
88 | Kerberos. |
89 | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway. |
90 | Is being used unofficially by Pointcast. |
90 | DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map. |
91 | MIT Dover Spooler. |
92 | Network Printing Protocol. |
93 | Device Control Protocol. |
94 | Tivoli Object Dispatcher. |
95 | SUPDUP. |
96 | DIXIE. |
97 | Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol. |
98 | TAC News. |
99 | Metagram Relay. |
Port | Protocol |
100 | [unauthorized use] |
101 | HOSTNAME. |
102 | TP0 over TCP. |
103 | Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net. |
104 | ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300. |
105 | Ph. |
105 | Mailbox Name Nameserver. |
106 | 3COM-TSMUX. |
107 | Remote Telnet Service. |
108 | SNA Gateway Access Server. |
109 | POP, Post Office Protocol, version 2. |
110 | POP, Post Office Protocol, version 3. |
111 | Portmapper. |
112 | McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol. |
113 | Identification Protocol. |
114 | |
115 | SFTP, Simple File Transfer Protocol. |
116 | ANSA REX Notify. |
117 | UUCP, Unix To Unix Copy. |
118 | SQL Services. |
119 | NNTP, Network News Transfer Protocol. |
120 | CFDP, Coherent File Distribution Protocol. |
121 | Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call. |
122 | SMAKYNET. |
123 | NTP, Network Time Protocol. |
124 | ANSA REX Trader. |
125 | Locus PC-Interface Net Map Serv. |
126 | Unisys Unitary Login. |
127 | Locus PC-Interface Conn Server. |
128 | GSS X License Verification. |
129 | PWDGEN, Password Generator Protocol. |
130 | cisco FNATIVE. |
131 | cisco TNATIVE. |
132 | cisco SYSMAINT. |
133 | STATSRV, Statistics Server. |
134 | INGRES-NET Service. |
135 | DCE endpoint resolution. |
136 | PROFILE Naming System. |
137 | NETBIOS Name Service. |
138 | NETBIOS Datagram Service. |
139 | NETBIOS Session Service. |
140 | EMFIS Data Service. |
141 | EMFIS Control Service. |
142 | Britton-Lee IDM. |
143 | IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol. |
144 | Universal Management Architecture. |
145 | UAAC Protocol. |
146 | TP0 bridge between TCP and X.25. |
147 | ISO-IP. |
148 | Jargon. |
149 | AED 512 Emulation Service. |
150 | SQL-NET. |
151 | HEMS. |
152 | BFTP, Background File Transfer Program. |
153 | SGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol. |
154 155 | NETSC. |
156 | SQL Service. |
157 | KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol. |
158 | DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol. |
159 | NSS-Routing. |
160 | SGMP-TRAPS. |
161 | SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol. |
162 | SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol traps. |
163 | CMIP/TCP Manager. |
164 | CMIP/TCP Agent. |
165 | Xerox. |
166 | Sirius Systems. |
167 | NAMP. |
168 | RSVD. |
169 | SEND. |
170 | Network PostScript. |
171 | Network Innovations Multiplex. |
172 | Network Innovations CL/1. |
173 | Xyplex. |
174 | MAILQ. |
175 | VMNET. |
176 | GENRAD-MUX. |
177 | XDMCP, X Display Manager Control Protocol. |
178 | NextStep Window Server. |
179 | BGP, Border Gateway Protocol. |
180 | Intergraph. |
181 | Unify. |
182 | Unisys Audit SITP. |
183 | OCBinder. |
184 | OCServer. |
185 | Knowbot Information Service. |
186 | KIS Protocol. |
187 | Application Communication Interface. |
188 | Plus Five's MUMPS. |
189 | Queued File Transport. |
190 | Gateway Access Control Protocol. |
191 | Prospero Directory Service. |
192 | OSU Network Monitoring System. |
193 | Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol. |
194 | Internet Relay Chat Protocol. |
195 | DNSIX Network Level Module Audit. |
196 | DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir. |
197 | Directory Location Service. |
198 | Directory Location Service Monitor. |
199 | SMUX. |
Port | Protocol |
200 | IBM System Resource Controller. |
201 | AppleTalk Routing Maintenance. |
202 | AppleTalk Name Binding. |
203 | AppleTalk Unused. |
204 | AppleTalk Echo. |
205 | AppleTalk Unused. |
206 | AppleTalk Zone Information. |
207 | AppleTalk Unused. |
208 | AppleTalk Unused. |
209 | The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol. |
210 | Z39.50. |
211 | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal. |
212 | ATEXSSTR. |
213 | IPX. |
214 | VM PWSCS. |
215 | Insignia Solutions. |
216 | Computer Associates Int'l License Server. |
217 | dBASE Unix. |
218 | MPP, Message Posting Protocol. |
219 | Unisys ARPs. |
220 | IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, version 3. |
221 | Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth. |
222 | Berkeley rshd with SPX auth. |
223 | Certificate Distribution Center. |
242 | Direct. |
243 | Survey Measurement. |
244 | Dayna. |
245 | LINK. |
246 | Display Systems Protocol. |
248 | bhfhs. |
249 - 255 |
256 | RAP. |
257 | Secure Electronic Transaction. |
258 | Yak Winsock Personal Chat. |
259 | ESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations. |
260 | Openport. |
261 | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL. |
262 | Arcisdms. |
263 | HDAP. |
264 | BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol. |
265 | X-Bone CTL. |
266 | SCSI on ST. |
267 | Tobit David Service Layer. |
268 | Tobit David Replica. |
269 - 279 |
280 | http-mgmt. |
281 | Personal Link. |
282 | Cable Port A/X. |
283 | rescap. |
284 | corerjd. |
285 | |
286 | FXP-1. |
287 | K-BLOCK. |
288 - 299 |
Port | Protocol |
300 - 307 | |
308 | Novastor Backup. |
309 | EntrustTime. |
310 | bhmds. |
311 | AppleShare IP WebAdmin. |
312 | VSLMP. |
313 | Magenta Logic. |
314 | Opalis Robot. |
315 | DPSI. |
316 | decAuth. |
317 | Zannet. |
318 | TSP, Time Stamp Protocol. |
319 | PTP Event. |
320 | PTP General. |
321 | PIP. |
322 | RTSPS. |
323 | IMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol. |
324 - 332 | |
333 | Texar Security Port. |
334 - 343 |
344 | Prospero Data Access Protocol. |
345 | Performance Analysis Workbench. |
346 | Zebra server. |
347 | Fatmen Server. |
348 | Cabletron Management Protocol. |
349 | mftp. |
350 | MATIP, Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol, Type A. |
351 |
MATIP, Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol, Type B.
bhoetty. |
352 | DTAG. |
353 | NDSAUTH. |
354 | bh611. |
355 | DATEX-ASN. |
356 | Cloanto Net 1. |
357 | bhevent. |
358 | Shrinkwrap. |
359 | Tenebris Network Trace Service. |
360 | scoi2odialog. |
361 | Semantix. |
362 | SRS Send. |
363 | RSVP Tunnel. |
364 | Aurora CMGR. |
365 | DTK. |
366 | SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. ODMR, On-Demand Mail Relay. |
367 | MortgageWare. |
368 | QbikGDP. |
369 | rpc2portmap. |
370 | codaauth2. |
371 | Clearcase. |
372 | ListProcessor. |
373 | Legent Corporation. |
374 | Legent Corporation. |
375 | Hassle. |
376 | Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto. |
377 | NEC Corporation. |
378 | NEC Corporation. |
379 | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client. |
380 | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server. |
381 | HP performance data collector. |
382 | HP performance data managed node. |
383 | HP performance data alarm manager. |
384 | A Remote Network Server System. |
385 | IBM Application. |
386 | ASA Message Router Object Def. |
387 | AURP, AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol. |
388 | Unidata LDM Version 4. |
389 |
LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. CLDAP, Connection-less Lightweight X.500 Directory Access Protocol. |
390 | UIS. |
391 | SynOptics SNMP Relay Port. |
392 | SynOptics Port Broker Port. |
393 | Data Interpretation System. |
394 | EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer. |
395 | NETscout Control Protocol. |
396 | Novell Netware over IP. |
397 | Multi Protocol Trans. Net. |
398 | Kryptolan. |
399 | TP2 encapsulation. |
Port | Protocol |
400 | Oracle Secure Backup. |
401 | Uninterruptible Power Supply. |
402 | Genie Protocol. |
403 | decap. |
404 | nced. |
405 | ncld. |
406 | Interactive Mail Support Protocol. |
407 | Timbuktu. |
408 | Prospero Resource Manager System Manager. |
409 | Prospero Resource Manager Node Manager. |
410 | DEC Ladebug Remote Debug Protocol. |
411 | Remote MT Protocol. |
412 | Trap Convention Port. |
413 | SMSP. |
414 | InfoSeek. |
415 | BNet. |
416 | Silverplatter. |
417 | Onmux. |
418 | Hyper-G. |
419 | Ariel. |
420 | SMPTE. |
421 | Ariel. |
422 | Ariel. |
423 | IBM Operations Planning and Control Start. |
424 | IBM Operations Planning and Control Track. |
425 | ICAD. |
426 | smartsdp |
427 | SLP, Service Location Protocol. |
428 | OCS_CMU. |
429 | OCS_AMU |
430 | UTMPSD |
431 | UTMPCD |
432 | IASD |
433 | NNSP |
434 | Mobile IP agent. |
435 | Mobile IP MN. |
436 | DNA-CML |
437 | comscm |
438 | dsfgw |
439 | dasp |
440 | sgcp |
441 | decvms-sysmgt |
442 | cvc_hostd |
443 | HTTPS, HTTP over SSL/TLS. |
444 | SNPP, Simple Network Paging Protocol. |
445 | Microsoft-DS. |
446 | DDM-RDB |
447 | DDM-RFM |
448 | DDM-SSL |
449 | AS Server Mapper |
450 | TServer |
451 | Cray Network Semaphore server |
452 | Cray SFS config server |
453 | CreativeServer |
454 | ContentServer |
455 | CreativePartnr |
456 | macon-tcp |
457 | scohelp |
458 | apple quick time |
459 | ampr-rcmd |
460 | skronk |
461 | DataRampSrv |
462 | DataRampSrvSec |
463 | alpes |
464 | Kerberos change/set password. |
465 | (TCP) URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM. (UDP) IGMP over UDP for SSM. |
466 | digital-vrc |
467 | mylex-mapd |
468 | Photuris. |
469 | Radio Control Protocol. |
470 | scx-proxy |
471 | Mondex. |
472 | ljk-login. |
473 | hybrid-pop. |
474 | (TCP) tn-tl-w1. (UDP) tn-tl-w2. |
475 | tcpnethaspsrv. |
476 | tn-tl-fd1. |
477 | ss7ns. |
478 | spsc. |
479 | iafserver. |
480 | iafdbase. |
481 | Ph service. |
482 | bgs-nsi. |
483 | ulpnet. |
484 | Integra Software Management Environment. |
485 | Air Soft Power Burst. |
486 | Avian. |
487 | SAFT, Simple Asynchronous File Transfer. |
488 | gss-http. |
489 | nest-protocol. |
490 | micom-pfs. |
491 | go-login. |
492 | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA. |
493 | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA. |
494 | POV-Ray. |
495 | intecourier. |
496 | PIM-RP-DISC. |
497 | dantz. |
498 | siam. |
499 | ISO ILL Protocol. |
Port | Protocol |
500 |
ISAKMP. IKE, Internet Key Exchange. |
501 | STMF. |
502 | asa-appl-proto. |
503 | Intrinsa. |
504 | citadel. |
505 | mailbox-lm. |
506 | ohimsrv. |
507 | crs. |
508 | xvttp. |
509 | snare. |
510 | FirstClass Protocol. |
511 | mynet-as. |
512 | rexec, remote process execution.
Used by mail system to notify users of new mail received. |
513 |
Maintains data bases for who's logged on a local net and the average load of the machine. |
514 |
cmd like exec but automatic authentication is performed for login server. |
515 | LPR. |
516 | videotex. |
517 | Like tenex link but across machine - doesn't use link protocol. A rendezvous port establishes a tcp connection. |
518 | ntalk. |
519 | unixtime. |
520 |
RIP, Routing Information Protocol. Extended file name server. |
521 | RIPng. |
522 | ULP. |
523 | IBM-DB2. |
524 | NCP. |
525 | timeserver. |
526 | newdate. |
527 | Stock IXChange. |
528 | Customer IXChange. |
529 | IRC-SERV. |
530 | rpc. |
531 | chat. |
532 | readnews. |
533 | emergency broadcasts. |
534 | MegaMedia Admin. |
535 | iiop. |
536 | opalis-rdv. |
537 | Networked Media Streaming Protocol. |
538 | gdomap. |
539 | Apertus Technologies Load Determination. |
540 | uucpd. |
541 | uucp-rlogin. |
542 | commerce. |
543 | klogin. |
544 | krcmd. |
545 | appleqtcsrvr. |
546 | DHCPv6 client. |
547 | DHCPv6 server. |
548 | AFP over TCP. |
549 | IDFP. |
550 | new-who. |
551 | cybercash. |
552 | deviceshare. |
553 | pirp. |
554 | RTSP, Real Time Streaming Protocol. |
555 | dsf. |
556 | rfs server. |
557 | openvms-sysipc. |
558 | SDNSKMP. |
559 | TEEDTAP. |
560 | rmonitord. |
561 | monitor. |
562 | chcmd. |
563 | NNTP over TLS. |
564 | plan 9 file service. |
565 | whoami. |
566 | streettalk. |
567 | banyan-rpc. |
568 | microsoft shuttle. |
569 | microsoft rome. |
570 | demon. |
571 | udemon. |
572 | sonar. |
573 | banyan-vip. |
574 | FTP Software Agent System. |
575 | VEMMI, VErsatile MultiMedia Interface. |
576 | ipcd. |
577 | vnas. |
578 | ipdd. |
579 | decbsrv. |
581 | Bundle Discovery Protocol. |
582 | SCC Security. |
583 | Philips Video-Conferencing. |
584 | Key Server. |
585 | |
586 | Password Change. |
587 | ESMTP, Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. |
588 | CAL. |
589 | EyeLink. |
590 | TNS CML. |
591 | FileMaker Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80). |
592 | Eudora Set. |
593 | HTTP RPC Ep Map. |
594 | TPIP. |
595 | CAB Protocol. |
596 | SMSD. |
597 | PTC Name Service. |
598 | SCO Web Server Manager 3. |
599 | Aeolon Core Protocol. |
Port | Protocol |
600 | Sun IPC server. |
601 | Syslog. |
602 | XML-RPC over BEEP. |
603 | IDXP, Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol. |
604 | TUNNEL. |
605 | SOAP over BEEP. |
606 | Cray Unified Resource Manager. |
607 | nqs. |
608 | SIFT/UFT, Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer. |
609 | npmp-trap. |
610 | npmp-local. |
611 | npmp-gui. |
612 | HMMP Indication. |
613 | HMMP Operation. |
614 | SSLshell. |
615 | Internet Configuration Manager. |
616 | SCO System Administration Server. |
617 | SCO Desktop Administration Server. |
618 | DEI-ICDA. |
619 | Digital EVM. |
620 | SCO WebServer Manager. |
621 | ESCP. |
622 | Collaborator. |
623 | DMTF out-of-band web services management protocol. Aux Bus Shunt. ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol. |
624 | Crypto Admin. |
625 | DEC DLM. |
626 | ASIA. |
627 | CKS & TIVIOLI. |
628 | QMQP. |
629 | 3Com AMP3. |
630 | RDA. |
631 | IPP, Internet Printing Protocol. |
632 | bmpp. |
633 | Service Status update (Sterling Software). |
634 | ginad. |
635 | RLZ DBase. |
636 | ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap). |
637 | lanserver. |
638 | mcns-sec. |
639 | MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol. |
640 | entrust-sps. |
641 | repcmd. |
642 | EMSD over ESRO. |
643 | SANity. |
644 | dwr. |
645 | PSSC. |
646 | LDP, Label Distribution Protocol. |
647 | DHCP Failover Protocol. |
648 | RRP, Registry Registrar Protocol. |
649 | Aminet. |
650 | OBEX. |
651 | IEEE MMS. |
652 | DTCP, Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol. |
653 | RepCmd. |
654 | AODV, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector. |
655 | TINC. |
656 | SPMP. |
657 | RMC. |
658 | TenFold. |
659 | URL Rendezvous. |
660 | MacOS Server Admin. |
661 | HAP. |
662 | PFTP. |
663 | PureNoise. |
664 | DMTF out-of-band secure web services management protocol. ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol. Secure Aux Bus. |
665 | Sun DR. |
666 | Doom, Id Software. |
667 | Campaign contribution campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies. |
668 | MeComm. |
669 | MeRegister. |
670 | VACDSM-SWS. |
671 | VACDSM-APP. |
672 | VPPS-QUA. |
673 | CIMPLEX. |
674 | ACAP, Application Configuration Access Protocol. |
675 | DCTP. |
676 | VPPS Via. |
677 | Virtual Presence Protocol. |
678 | GNU Gereration Foundation NCP. |
679 | MRM. |
680 | entrust-aaas. |
681 | entrust-aaas. |
682 | XFR. |
683 | CORBA IIOP. |
685 | MDC Port Mapper. |
686 | Hardware Control Protocol Wismar. |
687 | asipregistry. |
688 | REALM-RUSD. |
689 | NMAP. |
690 | VATP. |
691 | MS Exchange Routing. |
692 | Hyperwave-ISP. |
693 | connendp. |
694 | ha-cluster. |
695 | IEEE-MMS-SSL. |
696 | RUSHD. |
697 | UUIDGEN. |
698 | OLSR, Optimized Link State Routing. |
699 | Access Network. |
Port | Protocol |
700 | EPP, Extensible Provisioning Protocol. |
701 | LMP, Link Management Protocol. |
702 | IRIS over BEEP. |
703 | |
704 | errlog copy/server daemon. |
705 | AgentX. |
706 | SILC, Secure Internet Live Conferencing. |
707 | Borland DSJ. |
708 | |
709 | Entrust Key Management Service Handler. |
710 | Entrust Administration Service Handler. |
711 | TDP, Tag Distribution Protocol. |
712 | TBRPF, Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding. |
713 | IRIS over XPC. |
714 | IRIS over XPCS (RFC 4992). |
715 | IRIS-LWZ (RFC 4993). |
716 | PANA, Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access. |
717 - 719 | |
720 | DVMP, Distance Vectored Monitoring Protocol.
SMQP, Simple Message Queue Protocol. |
721 | XSRP, eXtensible Service Registration Protocol. |
722 | |
723 | XSTP, eXtensible Service Transfer Protocol. |
724 | |
725 | XSSP, eXtensible Service Subscription Protocol. |
726 | |
727 | XSLP, eXtensible Service Location Protocol. |
728 | |
729 | IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client. |
730 | IBM NetView DM/6000 send TCP. |
731 | IBM NetView DM/6000 receive TCP. |
732 - 740 | |
741 | netGW. |
742 | Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. |
743 | |
744 | Flexible License Manager. |
745 746 |
747 | Fujitsu Device Control. |
748 | Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager. |
749 | kerberos administration. |
750 | kerberos version iv. |
751 | pump. |
752 | qrh. |
753 | rrh. |
754 | send |
755 756 757 |
758 | nlogin. |
759 | con. |
760 | ns. |
761 | rxe. |
762 | quotad. |
763 | cycleserv. |
764 | omserv. |
765 | webster. |
766 | |
767 | phone. |
768 | |
769 | vid. |
770 | cadlock. |
771 | rtip. |
772 | cycleserv2. |
773 | submit. |
774 | rpasswd. acmaint_dbd. |
775 | entomb. acmaint_transd. |
776 | wpages. |
777 | Multiling HTTP. |
778 779 | |
780 | wpgs. |
781 - 799 |
Port | Protocol |
800 | mdbs_daemon. |
801 | device. |
802 - 809 | |
810 | FCP. |
811 - 827 | |
828 | itm-mcell-s. |
829 | CMP, Certificate Management Protocols. |
830 | NETCONF over SSH. |
831 | NETCONF over BEEP. |
832 | NETCONF for SOAP over HTTP. |
833 | NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP. |
834 - 846 | |
847 | dhcp-failover 2. |
848 | GDOI, Group Domain of Interpretation. |
849 - 859 | |
860 | iSCSI. |
861 | OWAMP, One-way Active Measurement Protocol. |
862 | TWAMP, Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol. |
863 - 872 | |
873 | rsync. |
874 - 885 | |
886 | ICL coNETion locate server. |
887 | ICL coNETion server info. |
888 | AccessBuilder. CD Database Protocol. |
889 - 899 |
Port | Protocol |
900 | OMG Initial Refs. |
904 - 909 | |
910 | KINK, Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys. |
911 | xact-backup. |
912 | APEX relay-relay service. |
913 | APEX endpoint-relay service. |
914 - 988 | |
989 | FTP data over TLS/SSL. |
990 | FTP control over TLS/SSL. |
991 | NAS, Netnews Administration System. |
992 | telnet over TLS/SSL. |
993 | imap4 over TLS/SSL. |
994 | irc over TLS/SSL. |
995 | pop3 over TLS/SSL (was spop3). |
996 | vsinet. |
997 | maitrd. |
998 | busboy. puparp. |
999 | Applix ac. garcon. puprouter. |
![]() |
Ports 1000 to 1023 |