APEX, Application Exchange Core

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs


Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type:Application layer protocol.
Ports: 912 (TCP) relay - relay service.
913 (TCP) endpoint - relay service.
Working groups:

RFC 3340:

APEX provides an extensible, asynchronous message relaying service for application layer programs. APEX, at its core, provides a best-effort datagram service. Each datagram, simply termed "data", is originated and received by APEX "endpoints" -- applications that dynamically attach to the APEX "relaying mesh".

APEX is specified, in part, as a BEEP "profile". Accordingly, many aspects of APEX (e.g., authentication) are provided within the BEEP core.

MAC header IP header TCP header BEEP APEX message

APEX reply codes:

250Transaction successful.
421Service not available.
450Requested action not taken.
451Requested action aborted.
454Temporary authentication failure.
500General syntax error (e.g., poorly-formed XML).
501Syntax error in parameters (e.g., non-valid XML).
504Parameter not implemented.
530Authentication required.
534 Authentication mechanism insufficient.
535Authentication failure.
537Action not authorized for user.
538Authentication mechanism requires encryption.
550Requested action not taken.
553Parameter invalid.
554Transaction failed (e.g., policy violation).
555Transaction already in progress.



[RFC 3340] The Application Exchange Core.

[RFC 3341] The Application Exchange (APEX) Access Service.

[RFC 3342] The Application Exchange (APEX) Option Party Pack, Part Deux!

[RFC 3343] The Application Exchange (APEX) Presence Service.


Obsolete RFCs:

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs