RWhois, Referral Whois Protocol

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs


Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type:Application layer directory access protocol.
Ports:4321 (TCP, UDP) server.
MIME subtype:
Working groups:

RFC 2167:

RWhois provides a distributed system for the discovery, retrieval, and maintenance of directory information. This system is primarily hierarchical by design. It allows for the deterministic routing of a query based on hierarchical tags, referring the user closer to the maintainer of the information. While RWhois can be considered a generic directory services protocol, it distinguishes itself from other protocols by providing an integrated, hierarchical architecture and query routing mechanism.

MAC header IP header TCP | UDP header RWhois packet

Status code categories:

1yzInformation only, no action required.
2yzInformation, action required.
3yz Specific command error, retry that command or try another one.
4yz Serious for current command, may correct with another command.
5yz Fatal, must disconnect.
x0z System wide, no specific command.
x1z System wide, no specific command.
x2z Registration error.
x3z Specific command.
x4z Specific command.
x5z Specific command.
x6zExtended message (version specific).

RWhois error codes:

120Registration deferred.
130Object not authoritative.
230 No objects found.
300 Not compatible with version.
320 Invalid attribute.
321 Invalid attribute syntax.
322 Required attribute missing.
323 Object reference not found.
324 Primary key not unique.
325 Failed to update outdated object.
330 Exceeded maximum objects limit.
331 Invalid limit.
332 Nothing to transfer.
333 Not master for authority area.
336 Object not found.
338 Invalid directive syntax.
340 Invalid authority area.
341 Invalid class.
342 Invalid host/port.
350 Invalid query syntax.
351 Query too complex.
352 Invalid security method.
353 Authentication failed.
354 Encryption failed.
400 Directive not available.
401 Not authorized for directive.
402 Unidentified error.
420 Registration not authorized.
436 Invalid display format.
500 Memory allocation problem.
501 Service not available.
502 Unrecoverable error.
503Idle time exceeded.


(RFC 2167). A named field and the smallest typed unit in a database schema.

Authority Area.
(RFC 2167). An autonomous part of an RWhois tree. It is associated and named after a particular piece of a hierarchy and is able to state authoritatively whether or not an instance of hierarchical data is present within the RWhois tree.

(RFC 2167). A line sent by a server indicating which protocol versions it supports and which directives are implemented. This line is issued by the server after a connection is opened and as a response to the "- rwhois" directive.

Base Class.
(RFC 2167). A class from which all defined classes in a database schema inherit attributes.

(RFC 2167). A collection of attributes.

Complete Replication.
(RFC 2167). The process of replicating all of the data for an authority area.

Database Schema.
(RFC 2167). A collection of all the classes forming an RWhois database.

(RFC 2167). A command that a client sends to a server to set a control parameter for the session, get the meta-information (class definitions and SOA information) about an authority area, or get the data in an authority area.

Guardian Class.
(RFC 2167). A standard class that contains security information. An object is guarded by containing a pointer to a guardian object.

Incremental Replication.
(RFC 2167). The process of replicating the data that has changed since the last replication for an authority area.

(RFC 2167). The miscellaneous information that a server sends to a client.

Lexically Hierarchical Label.
(RFC 2167). A text string whose position in a hierarchy is encoded in the string itself.

Link Referral.
(RFC 2167). A pointer to another server that is further down an RWhois tree. It is used to route a query down the tree.

Master Server.
(RFC 2167). A server where the data is registered for an authority area. It answers authoritatively to queries in the authority area. It is also called a primary server.

(RFC 2167). A particular naming system defined by a set of rules describing the format of a name. Alternately, all of the names satisfying the rules.

(RFC 2167). An instance of a class. It is data with a type of <class>.

Punt Referral.
(RFC 2167). A pointer to another server that is further up an RWhois tree. It is used to route a query up the tree.

(RFC 2167). A command that a client sends to a server to access the data in an authority area.

Query Routing.
(RFC 2167). Redirecting a query to another server for resolution.

(RFC 2167). A pointer to another server that is presumed to be closer to the desired data. It is used to route a query.

Referral Class.
(RFC 2167). A standard class that contains referral information for an authority area.

(RFC 2167). A server duplicating data from another server on a per-authority area basis.

(RFC 2167). The information that a server returns to a client for a directive.

(RFC 2167). The information that a server returns to a client for a query. It can be either the accessed data or referrals to other servers.

RWhois Tree.
(RFC 2167). A data information tree of RWhois servers where the data is arranged hierarchically in the authority areas.

Slave Server.
(RFC 2167) A server where the data is replicated from the master server for an authority area. It also answers authoritatively to queries in the authority area. It is also called a secondary server.

SOA, Start Of Authority.
(RFC 2167) Administrative variables, defined at the master server, to control replication for an authority area.


[RFC 2167] Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5.


Obsolete RFCs:

[RFC 1714] Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois).

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs