LWAPP, Light Weight Access Point Protocol

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Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type: Network layer protocol.
Ports:12222 (UDP) data; 12223 (UDP) control.
MIME subtype:
Working groups: capwap, Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points.

MAC header IP | IPv6 header UDP header LWAPP header Data :::

LWAPP header:

0001020304050607 0809101112131415 1617181920212223 2425262728293031
Ver RID C F L Fragment ID Length
Status Data :::

Ver. 2 bits.
LWAPP version number.

RID, Radio ID. 3 bits.
WTPs with multiple radios but a single MAC address use this field to indicate which radio is associated with the packet.

C, Control. 1 bit.
When set, the packet carries a control message. Otherwise, this is a data message.

F, Fragment. 1 bit.
When set, the packet is a fragment.and MUST be combined with the other corresponding fragments to reassemble the complete information exchanged between the WTP and AC.

L Not Last. 1 bit.
This bit is valid only if the F bit is set and indicates if the packet contains the last fragment of a fragmented exchange between the WTP and AC. When set, this packet is not the last fragment. Otherwise, the packet is the last fragment.

Fragment ID. 8 bits.
This value is assigned to each group of fragments making up a complete set. The Fragment ID space is managed individually for every WTP/AC pair. The value of Fragment ID is incremented with each new set of fragments. The Fragment ID wraps to zero after the maximum value has been used to identify a set of fragments. LWAPP supports up to 2 fragments per frame.

Length. 16 bits, unsigned.
Contains the number of bytes in the payload.
If the LWAPP packet is encrypted, this field includes the Advanced Encryption Standard Counter with CBC-MAC (AES-CCM) MIC.

Status. 16 bits.
The interpretation of this field is binding-specific.

Data. Variable length.



[RFC 5412] Lightweight Access Point Protocol.


Obsolete RFCs:

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs