ETFTP, Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs


Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type:Application layer file transfer protocol.
Ports:1818 (UDP).
MIME subtype:
Working groups:

ETFTP is an experimental implementation of NETBLT as a file transfer application protocol.

MAC header IP header UDP header ETFTP header Data :::

ETFTP header:

0001020304050607 0809101112131415 1617181920212223 2425262728293031
Checksum Version Type
Length Local port
Foreign port Padding :::
Data :::

Checksum. 16 bits.
IP compliant checksum.

Version. 8 bits.
ETFTP version number.

Type. 8 bits.
NETBLT message number.

0OPEN.Client request to open a new connection. RFC 1986
1RESPONSE.Server positive acknowledgment for OPEN. RFC 1986
2KEEPALIVE.Reset the timer. RFC 1986
3QUIT.Sender normal Close request. RFC 1986
4QUITACK.Receiver acknowledgment of QUIT. RFC 1986
5ABORTAbnormal close. RFC 1986
6 DATA. Sender packet containing data. RFC 1986
7 LDATA. Sender last data block of a buffer. RFC 1986
8NULL-ACK.Sender confirmation of CONTROL_OK changes. RFC 1986
9CONTROL. Receiver request to:
0: GO, Start transmit of next buffer.
1: OK, Acknowledge complete buffer.
2: RESEND, Retransmit request.
RFC 1986
10REFUSED.Server negative acknowledgment of OPEN. RFC 1986
11DONE.Receiver acknowledgment of QUIT. RFC 1986

Length. 16 bits.
Total length of the packet in bytes.

Local port. 16 bits.
UDP port number of the source node.

Foreign port. 16 bits.
UDP port number of the destination node.

Padding. 0 to 32 bits.
Used as necessary to extend the length of the packet to a multiple of 4 bytes.



[RFC 1986] Experiments with a Simple File Transfer Protocol for Radio Links using Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ETFTP).


Obsolete RFCs:

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs