CARD, Candidate Access Router Discovery

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Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type:Application layer router discovery protocol.
Port:5090 (SCTP).
Working groups: seamoby, Context Transfer, Handoff Candidate Discovery, and Dormant Mode Host Alerting.

MAC header IP header SCTP header CARD header Data :::

CARD header:

0001020304050607 0809101112131415 1617181920212223 2425262728293031
Type reserved U B E Length
Data :::

Type. 8 bits.
Always cleared to zero.

reserved. 5 bits.

U, Unordered. 1 bit.
Always cleared to zero.

B, Beginning fragment. 1 bit.

E, Ending fragment. 1 bit.

Length. 8 bits.

TSN, Transmission Sequence Number. 32 bits.

SI, Stream Identifier. 16 bits.

SSN, Stream Sequence Number. 16 bits.

PPI, Payload Protocol Identifier. 32 bits.
Alway set to the string "CARD".

Data. Variable length.
Contains the CARD message.


AP, Access Point.
A wireless access point, identified by a MAC address, providing service to the wired network for wireless nodes.

AR, Access Router.
An IP router residing in an access network and connected to one or more APs. An AR offers IP connectivity to MNs.

CAR, Candidate Access Router.
An AR to which an MN has a choice when performing IP-level handover.

MN, Mobile Node.
A mobile station.


[RFC 4065] Instructions for Seamoby and Experimental Mobility Protocol IANA Allocations.

[RFC 4066] Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD).


Obsolete RFCs:

Description Glossary RFCs Publications Obsolete RFCs