Kea  1.9.9-git
Congestion Handling in Kea DHCP Servers

What is Congestion?

Congestion occurs when servers are subjected to client queries faster than they can be fulfilled. Subsequently, the servers begin accumulating a backlog of pending queries. The longer the high rate of traffic continues the farther behind the servers fall. Depending on the client implementations, those that fail to get leases either give up or simply continue to retry forever. In the former case, the server may eventually recover. The latter case is vicious cycle from which the server is unable to escape.

In a well-planned deployment, the number and capacity of servers is matched to the maximum client loads expected. As long as capacity is matched to load, congestion does not occur. If the load is routinely too heavy, then the deployment needs to be re-evaluated. Congestion typically occurs when there is a network event that causes overly large numbers of clients to simultaneously need leases such as recovery after a network outage.

Congestion Handling Overview

Kea 1.5.0 introduces a new feature referred to as Congestion Handling. The goal of Congestion Handling is to help the servers mitigate the peak in traffic by fulfilling as many of the most relevant requests as possible until it subsides.

Prior to Kea 1.5.0, Kea DHCP servers read inbound packets directly from the interface sockets in the main application thread. This meant that packets waiting to be processed were held in socket buffers themselves. Once these buffers fill any new packets are discarded. Under swamped conditions the servers can end up processing client packets that may no longer be relevant, or worse are redundant. In other words, the packets waiting in the FIFO socket buffers become increasingly stale.

Congestion Handling offers the ability to configure the server to use a separate thread to read packets from the interface socket buffers. As the thread reads packets from the buffers they are added to an internal "packet queue". The server's main application thread processes packets from this queue rather than the socket buffers. By structuring it this way, we've introduced a configurable layer which can make decisions on which packets to process, how to store them, and the order in which they are processed by the server.

The default packet queue implementation for both Kea DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers is a simple ring buffer. Once it reaches capacity, new packets get added to the back of queue by discarding packets from the front of queue. Rather than always discarding the newest packets, we now always discard the oldest packets. The capacity of the buffer (i.e. the maximum number of packets the buffer can contain) is configurable.

Custom Packet Queues

It is possible to replace the default packet queue implementation with a custom implementation by registering it with your Kea server via a hook library. The steps for doing this are listed below:

  1. Develop a derivation of the interface isc::dhcp::PacketQueue
  2. Registering and un-registering your implementation via Hook library
  3. Configure your Kea server to use your derivation

(If you are not familiar with writing Kea hook libraries, you may wish to read Hooks Developer's Guide before continuing).

Developing isc::dhcp::PacketQueue Derivations

The Basics

Your custom packet queue must derive from the class template, isc::dhcp::PacketQueue. The class is almost entirely abstract and deliberately brief to provide developers wide latitude in the internals of their solutions.

The template argument, PacketTypePtr, is expected to be either isc::dhcp::Pkt4Ptr or isc::dhcp::Pkt6Ptr, depending upon which protocol the implementation will handle. Please note that the while following text and examples largely focus on DHCPv4 out of convenience as the concepts are identical for DHCPv6. For completeness there are code snippets at the end of this chapter for DHCPv6.

The two primary functions of interest are:

  1. isc::dhcp::PacketQueue::enqueuePacket() - This function is invoked by the receiver thread each time a packet has been read from an interface socket buffer and should be added to the queue. It is passed a pointer to the unpacked client packet (isc::dhcp::Pkt4Ptr or isc::dhcp::Pkt6Ptr), and a reference to the isc::dhcp::SocketInfo describing the interface socket from which the packet was read. Your derivation is free to use whatever logic you deem appropriate to decide if a given packet should be added to the queue or dropped. The socket information is passed along to be used (or not) in your decision making. The simplest derivation would add every packet, every time.
  2. isc::dhcp::PacketQueue::dequeuePacket() - This function is invoked by the server's main thread whenever the receiver thread indicates that packets are ready. Which packet is dequeued and returned is entirely up to your derivation.

The remaining functions that you'll need to implement are self-explanatory.

How your actual "queue" is implemented is entirely up to you. Kea's default implementation using a ring buffer based on Boost's boost::circular_buffer (please refer to isc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing, isc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing4 and isc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing6). The most critical aspects to remember when developing your implementation are:

  1. It MUST be thread safe since queuing and dequeuing packets are done by separate threads. (You might considering using std::mutex and std::lock_guard).
  2. Its efficiency (or lack thereof) will have a direct impact on server performance. You will have to consider the dynamics of your deployment to determine where the trade-off lies between the volume of packets responded to and preferring to respond to some subset of those packets.

Defining a Factory

isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr using two derivations of isc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr (one for DHCPv4 and one for DHCPv6), to register queue implementations and instantiate the appropriate queue type based the current configuration. In order to register your queue implementation your hook library must provide a factory function that will be used to create packet queues. This function will be invoked by the server during the configuration process to instantiate the appropriate queue type. For DHCPv4, the factory should be as follows:

PackQueue4Ptr factory(isc::data::ConstElementPtr parameters)

and for DHCPv6:

PackQueue6Ptr factory(isc::data::ConstElementPtr parameters)

The factory's only argument is an isc::data::ConstElementPtr. This is will be an isc::data::MapElement instance containing the contents of the configuration element "dhcp-queue-control" from the Kea server's configuration. It will always have the following two values:

  1. "enable-queue" - used by isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr to know whether or not congestion handling is enabled. Your implementation need not do anything with this value.
  2. "queue-type" - name of the registered queue implementation to use. It is used by isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr to invoke the appropriate queue factory. Your implementation must pass this value through to the isc::dhcp::PacketQueue constructor.

Beyond that you may add whatever additional values you may require. In other words, the content is arbitrary so long as it is valid JSON. It is up to your factory implementation to examine the contents and use them to construct a queue instance.

An Example

Let's suppose you wish to develop a queue for DHCPv4 and your implementation requires two configurable parameters: capacity and threshold. Your class declaration might look something like this:

class YourPacketQueue4 : public isc::dhcp::PacketQueue<isc::dhcp::Pkt4Ptr> {
// Logical name you will register your factory under.
static const std::string QUEUE_TYPE;
// Factory for instantiating queue instances.
// Constructor
YourPacketQueue4(const std::string& queue_type, size_t capacity, size_t threshold)
: isc::dhcp::PacketQueue<isc::dhcp::Pkt4Ptr>(queue_type) {
// your constructor steps here
// Adds a packet to your queue using your secret formula based on threshold.
virtual void enqueuePacket(isc::dhcp::Pkt4Ptr packet, const dhcp::SocketInfo& source);
// Fetches the next packet to process from your queue using your other secret formula.
: // Imagine you prototyped the rest of the functions

Your factory implementation would then look something like this:

const std::string QUEUE_TYPE = "Your-Q4";
YourPacketQueue4::factory(isc::data::ConstElementPtr parameters) {
// You need queue-type to pass into the base class.
// It's guaranteed to be here.
std::string queue_type = isc::data::SimpleParser::getString(parameters, "queue-type");
// Now you need to fetch your required parameters.
size_t capacity;
try {
capacity = isc::data::SimpleParser::getInteger(parameters, "capacity");
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
isc_throw(isc::dhcp::InvalidQueueParameter, "YourPacketQueue4:factory:"
" 'capacity' parameter is missing/invalid: " << ex.what());
size_t threshold;
try {
threshold = isc::data::SimpleParser::getInteger(parameters, "threshold");
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
isc_throw(isc::dhcp::InvalidQueueParameter, "YourPacketQueue4:factory:"
" 'threshold' parameter is missing/invalid: " << ex.what());
// You should be all set to create your queue instance!
isc::dhcp::PacketQueue4Ptr queue(new YourPacketQueue4(queue_type, capacity, threshold));
return (queue);

Kea's configuration parser cannot know your parameter requirements and thus can only flag JSON syntax errors. Thus it is important for your factory to validate your parameters according to your requirements and throw meaningful exceptions when they are not met. This allows users to know what to correct.

Registering Your Implementation

All hook libraries must provide a load() and unload() function. Your hook library should register you queue factory during load() and un-register it during unload(). Picking up with the our example, those functions might look something like this:

// This function is called when the library is loaded.
// param - handle library handle (we aren't using it)
// return - 0 when initialization is successful, 1 otherwise
int load(LibraryHandle& /* handle */) {
try {
// Here you register your DHCPv4 queue factory
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
return (1);
LOG_INFO(your_logger, YOUR_LOAD_OK);
return (0);
// This function is called when the library is unloaded.
// return - 0 if deregistration was successful, 1 otherwise
int unload() {
// You need to remove your queue factory. This must be done to make sure
// your queue instance is destroyed before your library is unloaded.
LOG_INFO(your_logger, YOUR_UNLOAD_OK);
return (0);

Configuring Kea to use YourPacketQueue4

You're almost there. You developed your implementation, you've unit tested it (You did unit test it right?). Now you just have to tell Kea to load it and use it. Continuing with the example, your kea-dhcp4 configuration would need to look something like this:

"hooks-libraries": [
# Loading your hook library!
"library": "/somepath/lib/"
# any other hook libs
"dhcp-queue-control": {
"enable-queue": true,
"queue-type": "Your-Q4",
"capacity" : 100,
"threshold" : 75

DHCPv6 Example Snippets

For completeness, this section includes the example from above implemented for DHCPv6.

DHCPv6 Class declaration:

class YourPacketQueue6 : public isc::dhcp::PacketQueue<isc::dhcp::Pkt6Ptr> {
// Logical name you will register your factory under.
static const std::string QUEUE_TYPE;
// Factory for instantiating queue instances.
// Constructor
YourPacketQueue6(const std::string& queue_type, size_t capacity, size_t threshold)
: isc::dhcp::PacketQueue<isc::dhcp::Pkt6Ptr>(queue_type) {
// your constructor steps here
// Adds a packet to your queue using your secret formula based on threshold.
virtual void enqueuePacket(isc::dhcp::Pkt6Ptr packet, const dhcp::SocketInfo& source);
// Fetches the next packet to process from your queue using your other secret formula.
: // Imagine you prototyped the rest of the functions

DHCPv6 Factory implementation:

const std::string QUEUE_TYPE = "Your-Q6";
YourPacketQueue6::factory(isc::data::ConstElementPtr parameters) {
// You need queue-type to pass into the base class.
// It's guaranteed to be here.
std::string queue_type = isc::data::SimpleParser::getString(parameters, "queue-type");
// Now you need to fetch your required parameters.
size_t capacity;
try {
capacity = isc::data::SimpleParser::getInteger(parameters, "capacity");
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
isc_throw(isc::dhcp::InvalidQueueParameter, "YourPacketQueue6:factory:"
" 'capacity' parameter is missing/invalid: " << ex.what());
size_t threshold;
try {
threshold = isc::data::SimpleParser::getInteger(parameters, "threshold");
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
isc_throw(isc::dhcp::InvalidQueueParameter, "YourPacketQueue6:factory:"
" 'threshold' parameter is missing/invalid: " << ex.what());
// You should be all set to create your queue instance!
isc::dhcp::PacketQueue6Ptr queue(new YourPacketQueue6(queue_type, capacity, threshold));
return (queue);

DHCPv6 Hook load/unload functions

// This function is called when the library is loaded.
// param - handle library handle (we aren't using it)
// return - 0 when initialization is successful, 1 otherwise
int load(LibraryHandle& /* handle */) {
try {
// Here you register your DHCPv6 queue factory
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
return (1);
LOG_INFO(your_logger, YOUR_LOAD_OK);
return (0);
// This function is called when the library is unloaded.
// return - 0 if deregistration was successful, 1 otherwise
int unload() {
// You need to remove your queue factory. This must be done to make sure
// your queue instance is destroyed before your library is unloaded.
LOG_INFO(your_logger, YOUR_UNLOAD_OK);
return (0);

Server configuration for kea-dhcp6:

"hooks-libraries": [
# Loading your hook library!
"library": "/somepath/lib/"
# any other hook libs
"dhcp-queue-control": {
"enable-queue": true,
"queue-type": "Your-Q6",
"capacity" : 100,
"threshold" : 75