IP option 21, Selective Directed Broadcast Mode

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Protocol suite: TCP/IP.
Protocol type:Connectionless network layer protocol.
Option length:6 to 38 bytes.
Host implementation:
Router implementation:
Links: IANA: IP option numbers.

The IP Selective Directed Broadcast Mode option provides unreliable UDP delivery to a set of IP addresses included in the option field of an IPv4 datagram.

MAC header IP header IP option 21 Data

IP option 21:

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Type Length
IP Address [] :::

Type. 8 bits. Set to 149.

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
C Class Option

C, Copy flag. 1 bit. Set to 1.
This option is to be copied into all fragments.

Class. 2 bits. Set to 0.
The option is a control option.

Option. 5 bits. Set to 21.
The IP option number.

Length. 8 bits. 6 to 38 bytes.
Total lenth of the option in bytes.

IP Address []. 16 bits.
Contains a list of IP addresses.



[RFC 1770] IPv4 Option for Sender Directed Multi-Destination Delivery.


Obsolete RFCs:

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