9. NUT developers tools

NUT provides several tools for clients and core developers, and QA people.

9.1. Device simulation

The dummy-ups driver propose a simulation mode, also known as Dummy Mode. This mode allows to simulate any kind of devices, even non existing ones.

Using this method, you can either replay a real life sequence, recorded from an actual device, or directly interact through upsrw or by editing the device file.

For more information, refer to dummy-ups(8) manual page.

9.2. Device recording

To complete dummy-ups, NUT provides a device recorder script called device-recorder.sh and located in the tools/ directory of the NUT source tree.

This script uses upsc to record device information, and stores these in a differential fashion every 5 seconds (by default).

Its usage is the following:

Usage: dummy-recorder.sh <device-name> [output-file] [interval]

For example, to record information from the device myups every 10 seconds:

tools/device-recorder.sh myups@localhost myups.seq 10