Kea  1.9.9-git
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 Cisc::dns::AbstractMessageRendererThe AbstractMessageRenderer class is an abstract base class that provides common interfaces for rendering a DNS message into a buffer in wire format
 Cisc::dns::rdata::AbstractRdataFactoryThe AbstractRdataFactory class is an abstract base class to encapsulate a set of Rdata factory methods in a polymorphic way
 Cisc::dns::AbstractRRsetThe AbstractRRset class is an abstract base class that models a DNS RRset
 Cisc::yang::AdaptorJSON adaptor between canonical Kea and YANG models
 Cisc::yang::AdaptorHostJSON adaptor for host reservations quoting identifiers
 Cisc::yang::AdaptorOptionJSON adaptor for option data or definition setting defaults
 Cisc::yang::AdaptorPoolJSON adaptor for pools between canonical Kea and YANG models
 Cisc::yang::AdaptorSubnetJSON adaptor for subnets adding IDs and canonizes relays
 Cisc::dhcp::AddressIndexTagTag for indexes by address
 Cisc::dhcp::AddressRangeStructure representing IP address range
 Cisc::agent::AgentParserA Bison parser
 Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::AllocatorBase class for all address/prefix allocation algorithms
 Cisc::db::AuditEntryRepresents a single entry in the audit table
 Cisc::db::AuditEntryModificationTimeIdTagTag used to access index by modification time
 Cisc::db::AuditEntryObjectIdTagTag used to access index by object id
 Cisc::db::AuditEntryObjectTypeTagTag used to access index by object type
 Cisc::dhcp::AuthKeyAuthentication keys
 Cisc::config::BaseCommandMgrCommands Manager, responsible for processing external commands
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendInterface for Kea server specific configuration backend implementations
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolType >Base class for Configuration Backend Managers (CBM)
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv4 >
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv6 >
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendType >Base class for configuration backend pools
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendDHCPv4 >
 Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendDHCPv6 >
 Cisc::dhcp::BaseHostDataSourceBase interface for the classes implementing simple data source for host reservations
 Cisc::util::io::BaseSocketSessionForwarderThe "base" class of SocketSessionForwarder
 Cisc::data::BaseStampedElementThis class represents configuration element which is associated with database identifier and the modification timestamp
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< by_state >
 Cisc::http::BasicHttpAuthRepresents a basic HTTP authentication
 Cisc::dns::BasicRRsetImplThis encapsulates the actual implementation of the BasicRRset class
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::by_kindType access provider for token (enum) based symbols
 Cisc::asiodns::IOFetch::CallbackI/O Fetch Callback
 Cisc::d2::DNSClient::CallbackCallback for the DNSClient class
 Cisc::hooks::CalloutHandlePer-packet callout handle
 Cisc::hooks::CalloutHandleAssociateBase class for classes which need to be associated with a CalloutHandle object
 Cisc::hooks::CalloutManagerCallout Manager
 Cisc::http::CallSetGenericBodyEncapsulates the boolean value indicating if the HttpResponse constructor should call its setGenericBody method during construction
 Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendMgrType >Base class for implementing server specific mechanisms to control the use of the Configuration Backends
 Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendDHCPv4Mgr >
 Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr >
 Cisc::dhcp::CfgDbAccessHolds access parameters and the configuration of the lease and hosts database connection
 Cisc::dhcp::CfgHostsListUtility class to represent host reservation configurations internally as a map keyed by subnet IDs, externally as a list Element
 Cisc::dhcp::CfgMultiThreadingUtility class to apply multi threading configurations
 Cisc::data::CfgToElementAbstract class for configuration Cfg_* classes
 Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassesContainer for storing client class names
 Cisc::config::ClientConnectionRepresents client side connection over the unix domain socket
 Cisc::dhcp::ClientIdSubnetIdIndexTagTag for indexes by client and subnet identifiers
 Cisc::config::CmdHttpListenerA multi-threaded HTTP listener that can process API commands requests
 Cisc::config::CmdsImplBase class that command handler implementers may use for common tasks
 Cisc::ha::CommandCreatorHolds a collection of functions which generate commands used for High Availability
 Cisc::config::CommandMgrImplImplementation of the CommandMgr
 Cisc::ha::CommunicationStateHolds communication state between the two HA peers
 Cisc::ha::CommunicationState4::ConnectingClient4Structure holding information about the client which has send the packet being analyzed
 Cisc::ha::CommunicationState6::ConnectingClient6Structure holding information about a client which sent a packet being analyzed
 Cisc::config::ClientConnection::ControlCommandEncapsulates control command
 Cisc::netconf::ControlSocketBaseBase class for control socket communication
 Cisc::db::CqlCommonCommon operations in Cassandra exchanges
 Cisc::db::CqlFunctionWrapper over the bind and get functions that interface with Cassandra
 Cisc::dhcp::CqlHostDataSourceImplImplementation of the CqlHostDataSource
 Cisc::db::CqlTaggedStatementDefines a single statement or query
 Cisc::util::CSCallbackPairEmbodies a named pair of CriticalSection callbacks
 Cisc::util::CSCallbackPairListMaintains list of unique CSCallbackPairs
 Cisc::util::CSVFileProvides input/output access to CSV files
 Cisc::util::CSVRowRepresents a single row of the CSV file
 Cisc::perfdhcp::CustomCounterCustom Counter
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::D2DhcidContainer class for handling the DHCID value within a NameChangeRequest
 Cisc::d2::D2ParamsActs as a storage vault for D2 global scalar parameters
 Cisc::d2::D2ParserA Bison parser
 Cisc::d2::D2ParserContextEvaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation
 Cisc::d2::D2UpdateMessageThe D2UpdateMessage encapsulates a DNS Update message
 Cisc::d2::D2ZoneThe D2Zone encapsulates the Zone section in DNS Update message
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::UDPCallback::DataContainer class which stores service invocation related data
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< log_type >DB_LOG_* logic
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< debug >
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< error >
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< fatal >
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< info >
 Cisc::db::DB_LOG< warn >
 Cisc::db::DbLoggerDatabase logger class
 Cisc::process::DCfgMgrBaseConfiguration Manager
 Cisc::dhcp::DdnsParamsConvenience container for conveying DDNS behavioral parameters It is intended to be created per Packet exchange using the selected subnet passed into functions that require them
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4ParserA Bison parser
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6ParserA Bison parser
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcpv4ExchangeDHCPv4 message exchange
 Cisc::d2::DNSClientThe DNSClient class handles communication with the DNS server
 Cisc::process::DProcessBaseApplication Process Interface
 Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::detail::DSLikeImpl< Type, typeCode >
 Cisc::dhcp::DUIDHolds DUID (DHCPv6 Unique Identifier)
 Cisc::dhcp::DuidIaidTypeIndexTagTag for indexes by DUID, IAID, lease type tuple
 Cisc::dhcp::DuidIndexTagTag for index using DUID
 Cisc::asiolink::DummyIOCallbackAsynchronous I/O Completion Callback
 Cisc::dns::EDNSThe EDNS class represents the EDNS OPT RR defined in RFC2671
 Cisc::data::ElementThe Element class represents a piece of data, used by the command channel and configuration parts
 Cisc::data::ElementValue< T >Template class for converting a value encapsulated in the Element object into a simple type
 Cisc::data::ElementValue< asiolink::IOAddress >The ElementValue specialization for IOAddress
 Cisc::data::ElementValue< bool >The ElementValue specialization for boolean
 Cisc::data::ElementValue< double >The ElementValue specialization for double
 Cisc::data::ElementValue< std::string >The ElementValue specialization for string
 Cisc::eval::EvalContextEvaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation
 Cisc::eval::EvalParserA Bison parser
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cisc::db::ExchangeDataTypeHashHelper structure with a function call operator that returns key value in a format expected by std::hash
 Cisc::perfdhcp::ExchangeStatsExchange Statistics
 Cisc::dhcp::ExpirationIndexTagTag for indexes by expiration time
 Cisc::dns::rdata::RdataFields::FieldSpecStructure that specifies a single RdataFields field
 Cisc::util::FilenameClass to Manipulate Filenames
 Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyRing::FindResultA helper structure to represent the search result of TSIGKeyRing::find()
 Cisc::flex_option::FlexOptionImplFlex Option implementation
 Cisc::log::Formatter< Logger >The log message formatter
 Cisc::dhcp::FreeLeaseQueueQueue holding free leases for various address and prefix ranges
 Cboost::archive::iterators::detail::from_4_bit< CharType >
 Cboost::archive::iterators::detail::from_5_bit< CharType >
 Cisc::ha::HAConfigStorage for High Availability configuration
 Cisc::util::Hash64Hash implementation based on Fowler-Noll-Vo hash function
 Cisc::cryptolink::HashImplBotan implementation of Hash
 Cisc::cryptolink::HMACImplBotan implementation of HMAC
 Cisc::dhcp::HostDataSourceFactoryHost Data Source Factory
 Cisc::dhcp::HostnameIndexTagTag for index using hostname
 Cisc::dhcp::HostPageSizeWraps value holding size of the page with host reservations
 Cisc::dhcp::HostResrv6TupleDefines one entry for the Host Container for v6 hosts
 Cisc::http::HttpClientHTTP client class
 Cisc::http::HttpClientImplHttpClient implementation
 Cisc::http::HttpConnectionPoolPool of active HTTP connections
 Cisc::http::HttpDateTimeThis class parses and generates time values used in HTTP
 Cisc::http::HttpHeaderRepresents HTTP header including a header name and value
 Cisc::http::HttpHeaderContextHTTP header context
 Cisc::http::HttpListenerHTTP listener
 Cisc::http::HttpListenerImplImplementation of the HttpListener
 Cisc::http::HttpMessageBase class for HttpRequest and HttpResponse
 Cisc::http::HttpRequestContextHTTP request context
 Cisc::http::HttpResponseContextHTTP response context
 Cisc::http::HttpResponseCreatorSpecifies an interface for classes creating HTTP responses from HTTP requests
 Cisc::http::HttpResponseCreatorFactorySpecifies the interface for implementing custom factory classes used to create instances of HttpResponseCreator
 Cisc::http::HttpThreadPoolImplements a pausable pool of IOService driven threads
 Cisc::http::HttpVersionHTTP protocol version
 Cisc::dhcp::HWAddrHardware type that represents information from DHCPv4 packet
 Cisc::dhcp::HWAddressSubnetIdIndexTagTag for indexes by HW address, subnet identifier tuple
 Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ClientContext6::IAContextParameters pertaining to individual IAs
 Cisc::http::HttpListener::IdleTimeoutIdle connection timeout
 Cisc::dhcp::IfaceCollectionCollection of pointers to network interfaces
 CInitializerA simple class that initializes logging
 Cisc::util::InputBufferThe InputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating read-only data
 Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncInterprocess Sync Class
 Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncLockerInterprocess Sync Locker Class
 Cisc::asiolink::IntervalTimerThe IntervalTimer class is a wrapper for the ASIO boost::asio::deadline_timer class
 Cisc::asiolink::IOAddressThe IOAddress class represents an IP addresses (version agnostic)
 Cisc::asiolink::IOEndpointThe IOEndpoint class is an abstract base class to represent a communication endpoint
 Cisc::asiodns::IOFetchDataIOFetch Data
 Cisc::asiolink::IOServiceThe IOService class is a wrapper for the ASIO io_service class
 Cisc::asiolink::IOSignalSetImplements an asynchronous "signal" for IOService driven processing
 Cisc::asiolink::IOSocketThe IOSocket class is an abstract base class to represent various types of network sockets
 Cisc::dhcp::IPRangePermutationRandom IP address/prefix permutation based on Fisher-Yates shuffle
 Cisc::dhcp::IPv6ResrvIPv6 reservation for a host
 Cisc::dns::RRsetCollectionBase::IterA helper iterator interface for RRsetCollectionBase
 Cisc::dhcp::KeyFromKeyExtractor< KeyExtractor1, KeyExtractor2 >Utility class which cascades two key extractors
 Cisc::util::LabeledValueImplements the concept of a constant value with a text label
 Cisc::util::LabeledValueSetImplements a set of unique LabeledValues
 Cisc::dns::LabelSequenceLight-weight Accessor to Name data
 Cisc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImplements the logic for processing commands pertaining to lease manipulation
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseFileLoaderUtility class to manage bulk of leases in the lease files
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseFileStatsProvides statistics for leases
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseMgrAbstract Lease Manager
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactoryLease Manager Factory
 Cisc::dhcp::LeasePageSizeWraps value holding size of the page with leases
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseStatsQueryBase class for fulfilling a statistical lease data query
 Cisc::dhcp::LeaseStatsRowContains a single row of lease statistical data
 Cisc::perfdhcp::CommandOptions::LeaseTypeA class encapsulating the type of lease being requested from the server
 Cisc::ha::LeaseUpdateBacklogQueue holding a backlog of unsent lease updates
 Cisc::log::LevelLog level structure
 Cisc::lfc::LFCControllerProcess controller for LFC process
 Cisc::dhcp::LFCSetupRepresents a configuration for Lease File Cleanup
 Cisc::hooks::LibraryHandleLibrary handle
 Cisc::hooks::LibraryManagerLibrary manager
 Cisc::hooks::LibraryManagerCollectionLibrary manager collection
 Cisc::process::LogConfigParserConfigures log4cplus by translating Kea configuration structures
 Cisc::log::LoggerLogger Class
 Cisc::log::LoggerLevelImplImplementation aspects of logging levels
 Cisc::log::LoggerManagerImplLogger Manager Implementation
 Cisc::dns::MasterLoaderCallbacksSet of issue callbacks for a loader
 Cisc::dns::MasterLoader::MasterLoaderImplPrivate implementation class for the MasterLoader
 Cisc::dns::MasterTokenTokens for MasterLexer
 Cisc::util::MemorySegmentMemory Segment Class
 Cisc::dns::MessageThe Message class encapsulates a standard DNS message
 Cisc::log::MessageDictionaryMessage Dictionary
 Cisc::log::MessageReaderRead Message File
 Cisc::dns::MessageRenderer::MessageRendererImplThe MessageRendererImpl class is the actual implementation of MessageRenderer
 Cisc::test::MultiThreadingTestA RAII class which disables the multi threading on exit of scope
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingMySQL binding used in prepared statements
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< T >Trait class for column types supported in MySQL
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< boost::posix_time::ptime >Specialization for MySQL TIMESTAMP type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< float >
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int16_t >Speclialization for MySQL SMALLINT type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int32_t >Specialization for MySQL INT type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int64_t >Specialization for MySQL BIGINT type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int8_t >Specialization for MySQL TINYINT type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< std::string >Specialization for MySQL TEXT type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint16_t >Specialization for MySQL SMALLINT UNSIGNED type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint32_t >Specialization for MySQL INT UNSIGNED type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint64_t >Specialization for MySQL BIGINT UNSIGNED type
 Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint8_t >Specialization for MySQL TINYINT UNSIGNED type
 Cisc::db::MySqlFreeResultFetch and Release MySQL Results
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlHostContextMySQL Host Context
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlHostDataSource::MySqlHostContextAllocContext RAII Allocator
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlHostContextPoolMySQL Host Context Pool
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlHostDataSourceImplImplementation of the MySqlHostDataSource
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlLeaseContextMySQL Lease Context
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlLeaseContextPoolMySQL Lease Context Pool
 Cisc::dhcp::MySqlLeaseExchangeCommon MySQL and Lease Data Methods
 Cisc::dns::NameThe Name class encapsulates DNS names
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeListenerAbstract interface for receiving NameChangeRequests
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestRepresents a DHCP-DDNS client request
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSenderAbstract interface for sending NameChangeRequests
 Cisc::dns::NameComparisonResultThis is a supplemental class used only as a return value of Name::compare() and LabelSequence::compare()
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfAgentNetconf agent
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParserA Bison parser
 Cisc::dhcp::NetworkStateHolds information about DHCP service enabling status
 Cisc::dns::NSEC3HashA calculator of NSEC3 hashes
 Cisc::dns::NSEC3HashCreatorFactory class of NSEC3Hash
 Cisc::perfdhcp::TestControl::NumberGeneratorNumber generator class
 Cisc::stats::ObservationRepresents a single observable characteristic (a 'statistic')
 Cisc::dhcp::OpaqueDataTupleRepresents a single instance of the opaque data preceded by length
 Cisc::dns::OpcodeThe Opcode class objects represent standard OPCODEs of the header section of DNS messages as defined in RFC1035
 Cisc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImplImplements the logic for the Option6ClientFqdn class
 Cisc::dhcp::Option6ClientFqdnImplImplements the logic for the Option6ClientFqdn class
 Cisc::util::Optional< T >A template representing an optional value
 Cisc::util::Optional< asiolink::isc::asiolink::IOAddress >
 Cisc::util::Optional< bool >
 Cisc::util::Optional< ClientClass >
 Cisc::util::Optional< double >
 Cisc::util::Optional< isc::dhcp::D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode >
 Cisc::util::Optional< std::pair< asiolink::isc::asiolink::IOAddress, uint8_t > >
 Cisc::util::Optional< std::string >
 Cisc::util::Optional< uint16_t >
 Cisc::util::Optional< uint32_t >
 Cisc::flex_option::FlexOptionImpl::OptionConfigOption configuration
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< T >Trait class for data types supported in DHCP option definitions
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< asiolink::IOAddress >IPv4 and IPv6 address type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< bool >Bool type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int16_t >Int16_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int32_t >Int32_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int8_t >Int8_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< OptionBuffer >Binary type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< std::string >String type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint16_t >Uint16_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint32_t >Uint32_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint8_t >Uint8_t type is supported
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeUtilUtility class for option data types
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefParamsParameters being used to make up an option definition
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefParamsEncapsulationEncapsulation of option definition parameters and the structure size
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionIdIndexTagA tag for accessing DHCP options and definitions by id
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceDHCP option space
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< ContainerType, ItemType, Selector >Simple container for option spaces holding various items
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< OptionContainer, OptionDescriptor, std::string >
 Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< OptionContainer, OptionDescriptor, uint32_t >
 Cisc::util::OutputBufferThe OutputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating mutable data
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< PacketTypePtr >Interface for managing a queue of inbound DHCP packets
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< Pkt4Ptr >
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< Pkt6Ptr >
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueueTypePtr >Packet Queue Managers (PQM)
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueue4Ptr >
 Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueue6Ptr >
 Cisc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::ParametersWrapper class for stat-leaseX-get command parameters
 Cisc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::ParametersParameters specified for lease commands
 Cisc::hooks::ParkingLot::ParkingInfoHolds information about parked object
 Cisc::hooks::ParkingLotParking lot for objects, e.g
 Cisc::hooks::ParkingLotHandleProvides a limited view to the ParkingLot
 Cisc::hooks::ParkingLotsCollection of parking lots for various hook points
 Cisc::dhcp::Parser4ContextEvaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation
 Cisc::dhcp::Parser6ContextEvaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation
 Cisc::netconf::ParserContextParser context is a wrapper around flex/bison instances dedicated to Netconf-agent config file parser
 Cisc::agent::ParserContextParser context is a wrapper around flex/bison instances dedicated to Control-agent config file parser
 Cisc::ha::HAConfig::PeerConfigHA peer configuration
 Cisc::db::PgSqlExchangeBase class for marshalling data to and from PostgreSQL
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlHostContextPostgreSQL Host Context
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlHostDataSource::PgSqlHostContextAllocContext RAII Allocator
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlHostContextPoolPostgreSQL Host Context Pool
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlHostDataSourceImplImplementation of the PgSqlHostDataSource
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlLeaseContextPostgreSQL Lease Context
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlLeaseContextPoolPostgreSQL Lease Context Pool
 Cisc::db::PgSqlTaggedStatementDefine a PostgreSQL statement
 Cisc::util::PIDFileClass to help with processing PID files
 Cisc::dhcp::PktFilterAbstract packet handling class
 Cisc::dhcp::PktFilter6Abstract packet handling class for DHCPv6
 Cisc::perfdhcp::PktTransformRead and write raw data to DHCP packets
 Cisc::hooks::PointerConverterLocal class for conversion of void pointers to function pointers
 Cisc::data::Element::PositionRepresents the position of the data element within a configuration string
 Cisc::dhcp::PrefixLenEncapsulates prefix length
 Cisc::dhcp::PrefixRangeStructure representing delegated prefix range
 Cisc::asiolink::ProcessStateType for process state
 Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::OPT::PseudoRRA class representing a pseudo RR (or option) within an OPT RR (see RFC 6891)
 Cisc::dhcp::PSIDEncapsulates PSID value
 Cisc::dhcp::PSIDLenEncapsulates PSID length
 Cisc::util::random::QidGeneratorThis class generates Qids for outgoing queries
 Cisc::ha::QueryFilterDHCP query filtering class
 Cisc::dns::QuestionThe Question class encapsulates the common search key of DNS lookup, consisting of owner name, RR type and RR class
 Cisc::perfdhcp::RateControlA message sending rate control class for perfdhcp
 Cisc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::RcodeRepresents the value of one of the RCODE1 or RCODE2 fields
 Cisc::dns::RcodeDNS Response Codes (RCODEs) class
 Cisc::dns::rdata::RdataThe Rdata class is an abstract base class that provides a set of common interfaces to manipulate concrete RDATA objects
 Cisc::dns::rdata::RdataFieldsA low-level, RR type-independent representation of DNS RDATA
 Cisc::dns::rdata::RdataFields::RdataFieldsDetailThis is a helper class for RdataFields
 Cisc::dns::RdataIteratorThe RdataIterator class is an abstract base class that provides an interface for accessing RDATA objects stored in an RRset
 Cisc::perfdhcp::ReceiverA receiving DHCP packets class
 Cisc::db::ReconnectCtlWarehouses DB reconnect control values
 Cisc::dhcp::Network::RelayInfoHolds optional information about relay
 Cisc::dhcp::Pkt6::RelayInfoStructure that describes a single relay information
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeListener::RequestReceiveHandlerAbstract class for defining application layer receive callbacks
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender::RequestSendHandlerAbstract class for defining application layer send callbacks
 Cisc::http::HttpClient::RequestTimeoutHTTP request/response timeout value
 Cisc::http::HttpListener::RequestTimeoutHTTP request timeout value
 Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ResourceDefines a single hint
 Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ResourceCompareResource compare class
 Cisc::dns::RRClassThe RRClass class encapsulates DNS resource record classes
 Cisc::dns::RRParamRegistryThe RRParamRegistry class represents a registry of parameters to manipulate DNS resource records (RRs)
 Cisc::dns::RRParamRegistryImplThe RRParamRegistryImpl class is the actual implementation of RRParamRegistry
 Cisc::dns::RRsetCollectionBaseGeneric class to represent a set of RRsets
 Cisc::dns::RRTTLThe RRTTL class encapsulates TTLs used in DNS resource records
 Cisc::dns::RRTypeThe RRType class encapsulates DNS resource record types
 Cisc::test::SandboxA Sandbox class that provides access to unit test unique temporary folder
 Cisc::dhcp::SanityCheckerCode used to conduct various sanity checks
 Cisc::hooks::ScopedCalloutHandleStateWrapper class around callout handle which automatically resets handle's state
 Cisc::dhcp::ScopedEnableOptionsCopy< PktType >RAII object enabling copying options retrieved from the packet
 Cisc::cryptolink::ossl::SecBuf< T >Secure Buffers which are wiped out when released
 Cisc::dns::SectionIteratorImpl< T >Template version of Section Iterator
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::semantic_typeA buffer to store and retrieve objects
 Cisc::dns::SerialThis class defines DNS serial numbers and serial arithmetic
 Cisc::db::ServerFetcherUtility class used to fetch Server objects from the ServerCollection
 Cisc::db::ServerSelectorServer selector for associating objects in a database with specific servers
 Cisc::data::ServerTagRepresents a server tag
 Cisc::db::ServerTagIndexTagTag identifying an index by server tag
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkFetcher< ReturnPtrType, CollectionType >A class containing static convenience methods to fetch the shared networks from the containers
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkIdIndexTagA tag for accessing index by id
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkModificationTimeIndexTagTag for the index for searching by shared network modification time
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkNameIndexTagA tag for accessing index by shared network name
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkRandomAccessIndexTagA tag for accessing random access index
 Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkServerIdIndexTagA tag for accessing index by server identifier
 Cisc::data::SimpleDefaultThis array defines a single entry of default values
 Cisc::data::SimpleParserA simple parser
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::stack< T, S >::slicePresent a slice of the top of a stack
 Cisc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::SocketCallbackInfoKeeps callback information for external sockets
 Cisc::dhcp::SocketInfoHolds information about socket
 Cisc::config::ClientConnection::SocketPathEncapsulates socket path
 Cisc::util::io::SocketSessionSocket session object
 Cisc::db::SqlExchangeBase class for backend exchanges
 Cisc::data::StampedValueModificationTimeIndexTagTag for the index for access by modification time
 Cisc::data::StampedValueNameIndexTagTag for the index for access by value name
 Cisc::stat_cmds::StatCmdsImplements the logic for processing commands pertaining to stat manipulation
 Cisc::stats::StatContextStatistics context
 Cisc::dns::master_lexer_internal::StateTokenization state for MasterLexer
 Cisc::ha::HAConfig::StateConfigConfiguration specific to a single HA state
 Cisc::ha::HAConfig::StateMachineConfigState machine configuration information
 Cisc::db::StatementTagEqualEquality function for StatementMap keys
 Cisc::db::StatementTagHashHash function for StatementMap keys
 Cisc::util::StateModelImplements a finite state machine
 Cisc::util::StopwatchImplStopwatch class implementation
 Cisc::dns::MasterToken::StringRegionA simple representation of a range of a string
 Cisc::util::str::StringSanitizerImplements a regular expression based string scrubber
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetFetcher< ReturnPtrType, CollectionType >A class containing static convenience methods to fetch the subnets from the containers
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetIdIndexTagTag for indexes by subnet-id
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetModificationTimeIndexTagTag for the index for searching by subnet modification time
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetPrefixIndexTagTag for the index for searching by subnet prefix
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetSelectorSubnet selector used to specify parameters used to select a subnet
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetServerIdIndexTagTag for the index for searching by server identifier
 Cisc::dhcp::SubnetSubnetIdIndexTagTag for the index for searching by subnet identifier
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::symbol_kindSymbol kinds
 Cisc::db::TaggedStatementMySQL Selection Statements
 Cisc::util::ThreadPool< WorkItem, Container >Defines a thread pool which uses a thread pool queue for managing work items
 Cisc::util::ThreadPool< std::function< void()> >
 Cisc::config::ClientConnection::TimeoutEncapsulates timeout value
 Cisc::dhcp::TimerMgrImplImplementation of the TimerMgr
 Cboost::archive::iterators::detail::to_4_bit< CharType >
 Cboost::archive::iterators::detail::to_5_bit< CharType >
 Cisc::dhcp::TokenBase class for all tokens
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::eval::EvalParser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::d2::D2Parser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::agent::AgentParser::tokenToken kinds
 Cisc::http::HttpConnection::TransactionRepresents a single exchange of the HTTP messages
 Cisc::yang::TranslatorBasicBetween YANG and JSON translator class for basic values
 Cisc::dns::TSIGErrorTSIG errors
 Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyTSIG key
 Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyRingA simple repository of a set of TSIGKey objects
 Cisc::dns::TSIGRecordTSIG resource record
 Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::detail::TXTLikeImpl< Type, typeCode >
 Cisc::dhcp_ddns::UDPCallbackImplements the callback class passed into UDPSocket calls
 Cisc::dhcp::PgSqlLease6Exchange::UiaidUnion for marshalling IAID into and out of the database IAID is defined in the RFC as 4 octets, which Kea code handles as a uint32_t
 Cisc::util::random::UniformRandomIntegerGeneratorUniform random integer generator
 Cisc::dhcp::test::UnixControlClientClass that acts as a UnixCommandSocket client
 Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocketEndpointEndpoint for UnixDomainSocket
 Cisc::http::UrlRepresents an URL
 Cuser_chk::UserRepresents a unique DHCP user This class is used to represent a specific DHCP user who is identified by a unique id and who possesses a set of properties
 Cisc::data::UserContextBase class for user context
 Cuser_chk::UserDataSourceDefines an interface for reading user data into a registry
 Cuser_chk::UserIdEncapsulates a unique identifier for a DHCP client
 Cuser_chk::UserRegistryEmbodies an update-able, searchable list of unique users This class provides the means to create and maintain a searchable list of unique users
 Cisc::dhcp::ValueStorage< ValueType >A template class that stores named elements of a given data type
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cisc::util::VersionedColumnContains the metadata for a single column in a file
 Cisc::util::WatchedThreadProvides a thread and controls for monitoring its activities
 Cisc::util::random::WeightedRandomIntegerGeneratorWeighted random integer generator
 Cisc::dhcp::WritableHostDataSourceInterface for retrieving writable host reservations
 Cisc::dns::ZoneCheckerCallbacksSet of callbacks used in zone checks