
Examine a cyrus-format mailbox


mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -u uid ] mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] [ -s seqnum] mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] -q mailbox...
mbexamine [ -C config-file ] -c mailbox...


mbexamine will examine the header, index, and cache files of a cyrus format mailbox and dump the information contained therein. It can also limit its output to a specific uid or sequence number, through use of the -s and -u switches.

mbexamine reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. It uses <configdirectory>/mailboxes.db to locate the mailbox on disk.


-C config-file

Use the specified configuration file config-file rather than the default imapd.conf(5).

-u uid

Dump information for the given uid only.

-s seqnum

Dump information for the given sequence number only.


Compare the quota usage in cyrus.index to the actual message file sizes and report any differences. If there are differences, the mailbox SHOULD be reconstructed.


Compare the records in cyrus.index to the actual message files report any differences. This can help detect issues if messages files were manipulated manually and/or restored incorrectly.


mbexamine user.jsmith
Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith.
Examining user.jsmith...
 Mailbox Header Info:
  Path to mailbox: /var/spool/cyrus/user/jsmith
  Mailbox ACL: jsmith   lrswipkxtecda
  Unique ID: 3ab4f8d5512e33b1
  User Flags: [none]

 Index Header Info:
  Generation Number: 0
  Minor Version: 12
  Header Size: 128 bytes  Record Size: 96 bytes
  Number of Messages: 9  Mailbox Size: 35955 bytes
  Last Append Date: (1404765874) Mon Jul  7 20:44:34 2014
  UIDValidity: 1404761793  Last UID: 9
  Deleted: 0  Answered: 0  Flagged: 0
  Mailbox Options: POP3_NEW_UIDL
  Last POP3 Login: (0) Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  Highest Mod Sequence: 15

 Message Info:
000001> UID:00000001   INT_DATE:1361982429 SENTDATE:1361966400 SIZE:6762
      > HDRSIZE:1443   LASTUPD :1361982447 SYSFLAGS:00000010   LINES:125
      > CACHEVER:3  GUID:69bdb40dac9de4d17057a5245c34544f2d6849db MODSEQ:3
      > USERFLAGS: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
mbexamine -u 00000004 user.jsmith
Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith looking for messages with UID = 00000004.
Examining user.jsmith...
 Mailbox Header Info:
  Path to mailbox: /var/spool/cyrus/user/jsmith
  Mailbox ACL: jsmith   lrswipkxtecda
  Unique ID: 3ab4f8d5512e33b1
  User Flags: [none]

 Index Header Info:
  Generation Number: 0
  Minor Version: 12
  Header Size: 128 bytes  Record Size: 96 bytes
  Number of Messages: 9  Mailbox Size: 35955 bytes
  Last Append Date: (1404765874) Mon Jul  7 20:44:34 2014
  UIDValidity: 1404761793  Last UID: 9
  Deleted: 0  Answered: 0  Flagged: 0
  Mailbox Options: POP3_NEW_UIDL
  Last POP3 Login: (0) Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  Highest Mod Sequence: 15

 Message Info:
000001> UID:00000004   INT_DATE:1377891971 SENTDATE:1377864000 SIZE:4097
      > HDRSIZE:1771   LASTUPD :1377891971 SYSFLAGS:00000000   LINES:60
      > CACHEVER:3  GUID:dc814658a4d676789578bff3de35b45914abd774 MODSEQ:7
      > USERFLAGS: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
mbexamine -q user.jsmith
Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith checking quotas.
Examining user.jsmith...  Mailbox has CORRECT total quota usage
Examining user.jsmith.Drafts...  Mailbox has CORRECT total quota usage
Examining user.jsmith.Sent...  Mailbox has CORRECT total quota usage
Examining user.jsmith.Spam...  Mailbox has CORRECT total quota usage
Examining user.jsmith.Trash...  Mailbox has CORRECT total quota usage
mbexamine -c user.jsmith
Examine the mailbox hierarchy rooted at user.jsmith comparing index records to the actual message files in the mailbox directory.
Examining user.jsmith...
 Mailbox Header Info:
  Path to mailbox: /var/spool/cyrus/user/jsmith

 Index Record Info:                                             Message File Info:
  UID: 00000002
   GUID: 4aa62f540d81395dc7d52518ae8e8c75571c8f11
   Size: 6964
   Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 12:00:00 -0500
   From: <foo@example.com>
   Subj: "Re: hello there"

  UID: 00000011
   GUID: 6aa93fd583f143dde555184d508ab0916e06b026               739232245980a3efe3df490841221a4b7bac4f27
   Size: 21427                                                  23450
   Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 12:00:00 -0500                        Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:00:00 -0400
   From: <bar@example.com>                                      <foo@example.com>
   Subj: "Re: what's up?"                                       "hello there"

  UID: 00000022
   GUID:                                                        12a62f123451395dc7d52518ae8e8c75571c9876
   Size:                                                        5623
   Date:                                                        Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:00:00 -0500
   From:                                                        <foo@example.com>
   Subj:                                                        "Re: vacation"


/etc/imapd.conf, <configdirectory>/mailboxes.db

See Also
