
Perform operations on the duplicate delivery database


ctl_deliver [ -C config-file ] -d [ -f filename ]


ctl_deliver is used to perform various administrative operations on the duplicate delivery database.

ctl_deliver reads its configuration options out of the imapd.conf(5) file unless specified otherwise by -C. The configdirectory option in imapd.conf(5) is used to determine the default location of the delivery database.


-C config-file

Use the specified configuration file config-file rather than the default imapd.conf(5).


Dump the contents of the database to standard output in a portable flat-text format.

-f filename

Use the database specified by filename instead of the default (configdirectory/deliver.db).


ctl_deliver -d
Dump configdirectory/deliver.db to STDOUT
id: <FA6558DA-5287-41D7-BCE8-C38962096A47@gmail.com>    to: .+tech.support@.sieve.      at: 1433518227  uid: 0
id: <FA6558DA-5287-41D7-BCE8-C38962096A47@gmail.com>    to: tech.support                at: 1433518227  uid: 47489
id: <cmu-lmtpd-10330-1433633682-0@imap.example.com>     to: .+tech.support@.sieve.      at: 1433633682  uid: 0
id: <cmu-lmtpd-10330-1433633682-0@imap.example.com>     to: tech.support                at: 1433633682  uid: 47513
id: <wikidb.5571a7bc1bc865.04482782@smtp.example.org>   to: .+tech.support@.sieve.      at: 1433511915  uid: 0
id: <wikidb.5571a7bc1bc865.04482782@smtp.example.org>   to: tech.support                at: 1433511915  uid: 47481
ctl_deliver -d -f /tmp/deliverdb.txt
Dump configdirectory/deliver.db to /tmp/deliverdb.txt.


/etc/imapd.conf, <configdirectory>/deliver.db