Squid configuration directive icap_service

Available in: 3.3   3.2   3.1   3.HEAD   3.0  


Changes in 3.1 icap_service bypass=on|off|1|0 routing=on|off|1|0 ipv6=on|off

New options 'bypass=', 'routing=' and 'ipv6='.

                If set to 'on' or '1', the ICAP service is treated as
                optional. If the service cannot be reached or malfunctions,
                Squid will try to ignore any errors and process the message as
                if the service was not enabled. No all ICAP errors can be
                bypassed.  If set to 0, the ICAP service is treated as
                essential and all ICAP errors will result in an error page
                returned to the HTTP client.

                Bypass is off by default: services are treated as essential.

                If set to 'on' or '1', the ICAP service is allowed to
                dynamically change the current message adaptation plan by
                returning a chain of services to be used next. The services
                are specified using the X-Next-Services ICAP response header
                value, formatted as a comma-separated list of service names.
                Each named service should be configured in squid.conf and
                should have the same method and vectoring point as the current
                ICAP transaction.  Services violating these rules are ignored.
                An empty X-Next-Services value results in an empty plan which
                ends the current adaptation.

                Routing is not allowed by default: the ICAP X-Next-Services
                response header is ignored.

                Only has effect on split-stack systems. The default on those systems
                is to use IPv4-only connections. When set to 'on' this option will
                make Squid use IPv6-only connections to contact this ICAP service.

Changes in 3.0 icap_service

Default: none

Defines a single ICAP service

icap_service servicename vectoring_point bypass service_url

vectoring_point = reqmod_precache|reqmod_postcache|respmod_precache|respmod_postcache
This specifies at which point of request processing the ICAP
service should be plugged in.
bypass = 1|0
If set to 1 and the ICAP server cannot be reached, the request will go
through without being processed by an ICAP server
service_url = icap://servername:port/service

Note: reqmod_postcache and respmod_postcache is not yet implemented

icap_service service_1 reqmod_precache 0 icap://icap1.mydomain.net:1344/reqmod
icap_service service_2 respmod_precache 0 icap://icap2.mydomain.net:1344/respmod

Configuration Details:

Option Name:icap_service
Default Value:none
Suggested Config:

	Defines a single ICAP service using the following format:

	icap_service id vectoring_point uri [option ...]

	id: ID
		an opaque identifier or name which is used to direct traffic to
		this specific service. Must be unique among all adaptation
		services in squid.conf.

	vectoring_point: reqmod_precache|reqmod_postcache|respmod_precache|respmod_postcache
		This specifies at which point of transaction processing the
		ICAP service should be activated. *_postcache vectoring points
		are not yet supported.

	uri: icap://servername:port/servicepath
		ICAP server and service location.

	ICAP does not allow a single service to handle both REQMOD and RESPMOD
	transactions. Squid does not enforce that requirement. You can specify
	services with the same service_url and different vectoring_points. You
	can even specify multiple identical services as long as their
	service_names differ.

	Service options are separated by white space. ICAP services support
	the following name=value options:

		If set to 'on' or '1', the ICAP service is treated as
		optional. If the service cannot be reached or malfunctions,
		Squid will try to ignore any errors and process the message as
		if the service was not enabled. No all ICAP errors can be
		bypassed.  If set to 0, the ICAP service is treated as
		essential and all ICAP errors will result in an error page
		returned to the HTTP client.

		Bypass is off by default: services are treated as essential.

		If set to 'on' or '1', the ICAP service is allowed to
		dynamically change the current message adaptation plan by
		returning a chain of services to be used next. The services
		are specified using the X-Next-Services ICAP response header
		value, formatted as a comma-separated list of service names.
		Each named service should be configured in squid.conf. Other
		services are ignored. An empty X-Next-Services value results
		in an empty plan which ends the current adaptation.

		Dynamic adaptation plan may cross or cover multiple supported
		vectoring points in their natural processing order.

		Routing is not allowed by default: the ICAP X-Next-Services
		response header is ignored.

		Only has effect on split-stack systems. The default on those systems
		is to use IPv4-only connections. When set to 'on' this option will
		make Squid use IPv6-only connections to contact this ICAP service.

		If the service Max-Connections limit has been reached, do
		one of the following for each new ICAP transaction:
		  * block:  send an HTTP error response to the client
		  * bypass: ignore the "over-connected" ICAP service
		  * wait:   wait (in a FIFO queue) for an ICAP connection slot
		  * force:  proceed, ignoring the Max-Connections limit 

		In SMP mode with N workers, each worker assumes the service
		connection limit is Max-Connections/N, even though not all
		workers may use a given service.

		The default value is "bypass" if service is bypassable,
		otherwise it is set to "wait".

		Use the given number as the Max-Connections limit, regardless
		of the Max-Connections value given by the service, if any.

	Older icap_service format without optional named parameters is
	deprecated but supported for backward compatibility.

icap_service svcBlocker reqmod_precache icap://icap1.mydomain.net:1344/reqmod bypass=0
icap_service svcLogger reqmod_precache icap://icap2.mydomain.net:1344/respmod routing=on









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