Squid configuration directive access_log

Available in: 3.3   3.2   3.1   2.7   3.HEAD   2.HEAD   3.0   2.6  


Changes in 3.2 access_log

New stdio module to send log data directly from Squid to a disk file. This is the historic behaviour of Squid before logging modules were introduced, and remains the default used when no module is selected. It is recommended to upgrade logging to the faster daemon: module.

New daemon module to send each log line as text data to a file I/O daemon handling the slow disk I/O. New installs, or installs with no logs configured explicitly will use this module by default.

New tcp module to send each log line as text data to a TCP receiver.

New udp module to send each log line as text data to a UDP receiver.

New format referrer to log with the format previously used by referer_log directive.

New format useragent to log with the format previously used by useragent_log directive.

Changes in 2.6 access_log

Select what requests to log where any by what format. Support for multiple log files and multiple log formats.

Configuration Details:

Option Name:access_log
Default Value:daemon:/usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log squid
Suggested Config:

	These files log client request activities. Has a line every HTTP or
	ICP request. The format is:
	access_log <module>:<place> [<logformat name> [acl acl ...]]
	access_log none [acl acl ...]]
	Will log to the specified module:place using the specified format (which
	must be defined in a logformat directive) those entries which match
	ALL the acl's specified (which must be defined in acl clauses).
	If no acl is specified, all requests will be logged to this destination.
	===== Modules Currently available =====
	none	Do not log any requests matching these ACL.
		Do not specify Place or logformat name.
	stdio	Write each log line to disk immediately at the completion of
		each request.
		Place: the filename and path to be written.
	daemon	Very similar to stdio. But instead of writing to disk the log
		line is passed to a daemon helper for asychronous handling instead.
		Place: varies depending on the daemon.
		log_file_daemon Place: the file name and path to be written.
	syslog	To log each request via syslog facility.
		Place: The syslog facility and priority level for these entries.
		Place Format:  facility.priority

		where facility could be any of:
			authpriv, daemon, local0 ... local7 or user.

		And priority could be any of:
			err, warning, notice, info, debug.
	udp	To send each log line as text data to a UDP receiver.
		Place: The destination host name or IP and port.
		Place Format:   //host:port

	tcp	To send each log line as text data to a TCP receiver.
		Place: The destination host name or IP and port.
		Place Format:   //host:port

		access_log daemon:/usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log squid









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