docker specificsΒΆ

This page talks about docker, as this is the platform the rsyslog team has hands-on experience with. Some or all of the information might also apply to other solutions.

Potential Trouble causes:

  • container terminate timeout

    By default, a docker container has 10 seconds to shut down. If rsyslog is running with a large queue that needs to be persisted to disk, that amount of time might be insufficient. This can lead to a hard kill of rsyslog and potentially cause queue corruption.

  • shared work directories

    Shared work directories call for problems and shall be avoided. If multiple instances use the same work directory, the may even overwrite some files, resulting in a total mess. Each container instance should have its own work directory.

See also

Help with configuring/using Rsyslog:

  • Mailing list - best route for general questions
  • GitHub: rsyslog source project - detailed questions, reporting issues that are believed to be bugs with Rsyslog
  • Stack Exchange (View, Ask) - experimental support from rsyslog community

See also

Contributing to Rsyslog: