rsyslog.conf configuration directive


Type: ruleset-specific configuration directive

Parameter Values: boolean (on/off, yes/no)

Available since: 5.3.5+

Default: off


Rulesets may use their own “main” message queue for message submission. Specifying this directive, inside a ruleset definition, turns this on. This is both a performance enhancement and also permits different rulesets (and thus different inputs within the same rsyslogd instance) to use different types of main message queues.

The ruleset queue is created with the parameters that are specified for the main message queue at the time the directive is given. If different queue configurations are desired, different main message queue directives must be used in front of the $RulesetCreateMainQueue directive. Note that this directive may only be given once per ruleset. If multiple statements are specified, only the first is used and for the others error messages are emitted.

Note that the final set of ruleset configuration directives specifies the parameters for the default main message queue.

To learn more about this feature, please be sure to read about multi-ruleset support in rsyslog.


The configuration statement “$RulesetCreateMainQueue off” has no effect at all. The capability to specify this is an artifact of the legacy configuration language.


This example sets up a tcp server with three listeners. Each of these three listener is bound to a specific ruleset. As a performance optimization, the rulesets all receive their own private queue. The result is that received messages can be independently processed. With only a single main message queue, we would have some lock contention between the messages. This does not happen here. Note that in this example, we use different processing. Of course, all messages could also have been processed in the same way ($IncludeConfig may be useful in that case!).

$ModLoad imtcp
# at first, this is a copy of the unmodified rsyslog.conf
#define rulesets first
$RuleSet remote10514
$RulesetCreateMainQueue on # create ruleset-specific queue
*.*     /var/log/remote10514

$RuleSet remote10515
$RulesetCreateMainQueue on # create ruleset-specific queue
*.*     /var/log/remote10515

$RuleSet remote10516
$RulesetCreateMainQueue on # create ruleset-specific queue
mail.*        /var/log/mail10516
&       ~
# note that the discard-action will prevent this messag from
# being written to the remote10516 file - as usual...
*.*     /var/log/remote10516

# and now define listeners bound to the relevant ruleset
$InputTCPServerBindRuleset remote10514
$InputTCPServerRun 10514

$InputTCPServerBindRuleset remote10515
$InputTCPServerRun 10515

$InputTCPServerBindRuleset remote10516
$InputTCPServerRun 10516

Note the positions of the directives. With the legacy language, position is very important. It is highly suggested to use the ruleset() object in RainerScript config language if you intend to use ruleset queues. The configuration is much more straightforward in that language and less error-prone.

See also

Help with configuring/using Rsyslog:

  • Mailing list - best route for general questions
  • GitHub: rsyslog source project - detailed questions, reporting issues that are believed to be bugs with Rsyslog
  • Stack Exchange (View, Ask) - experimental support from rsyslog community

See also

Contributing to Rsyslog: