PNP mandatory requires valid performance data of nagios plugins.
So what is this performance data?
The output of a nagios plugin up to nagios 2.x is limited to one line. When the plugin produces performance data, it is divided into two parts. The pipe symbol (“|”) is used as a delimiter.
Example check_icmp :
OK - rta 2.687ms, lost 0% | rta=2.687ms;3000.000;5000.000;0; pl=0%;80;100;;
resulting in the text on the left side of the pipe symbol
OK - rta 2.687ms, lost 0%
and the performance data
rta=2.687ms;3000.000;5000.000;0; pl=0%;80;100;;
Performance data is designed for automatic processing. The format is specified within the Developer Guidelines (you'll find an excerpt here) but should be exemplified here nonetheless:
rta=2.687ms;3000.000;5000.000;0; | | | | | | | |----|--|----|---------|-----|-|----- * label |--|----|---------|-----|-|----- * current value |----|---------|-----|-|----- unit ( UOM = UNIT of Measurement ) |---------|-----|-|----- warning threshold |-----|-|----- critical threshold |-|----- minimum value |----- maximum value
Value marked with * are mandatory. All other values are optional.
Several data series are separated by blanks. The actual data must not contains any blanks. If the label contains blanks, it has to be surrounded by single quotes.
PNP is licensed under GPL 2
Development of PNP is organized using Sourceforge.Net. PNP is registered under “PNP4nagios”.
The current stable version of 0.6.x can be found in the download area: Sourceforge Download
Starting with PNP 0.6.x the source code repository was switched from SVN to GIT.
The current development can be viewed anytime at Clicking on PNP Devel version will download an archive containing the latest version.
PRIOR to support questions please make sure that you have verified certain things described under verify your installation.
The developers and helpers are present on a separate board at and will be informed about new postings in the PNP-section. Postings in english will be answered as well.
After registering as a user please fill in the profile regarding operating system and PNP version used. Please mention if you used a package or compiled the sources.
Please mark successfully solved threads by adding ”[solved]” to the title as it helps other users to find a solution for their problem.
The mailing lists on Sourceforge can be used to request support (and are limited to english):
pnp4nagios-users: users list for general questions regarding configuration. Please state your operating system and PNP version
pnp4nagios-devel: devel list for suggestions and error reports. Please state your operating system and PNP version
pnp4nagios-checkins: the checkin list automatically contains changes to the SVN repository
Performance data will be stored in Round Robin Databases using RRDtool. That means that after some time the oldest data will be dropped at the “end” and it will be replaced by new values “at the beginning”.
Various intervals provide for different resolutions. Using the defaults allows to store the data with a resolution of one minute for the last two days, five minutes resolution for ten days, 30 minutes resolution for 90 days and 6 hours resolution for four years. The increasing interval causes averaging of the data which leads to smaller max values. This not an error of PNP.
Using this storage format the size of the files will stay the same over time. Per datasource you will need approx. 400 KB.