
Bei Problemen kann das Perl-Script verify_pnp_config von helfen die aktuelle Nagios/Icinga Konfiguration zu prüfen und entsprechend Hinweise zur Lösung liefern.

Bei Support Anfragen sollte immer die Ausgabe dieses Scripts mit angegeben werden, da die Entwickler sich so einen besseren Überblick über das verwendete System machen können.

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Das Verify Script ist unter verfГјgbar.



Das Verify Script benötigt drei Optionen um die Funktion von PNP4Nagios zu prüfen

lenny:~# perl verify_pnp_config

verify_pnp_config -m|--mode=[sync|bulk|bulk+npcd|npcdmod]
В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В -c|--config=[path to nagios.cfg]
В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В -p|--pnpcfg=[path to PNP config dir]

Die wichtigste Infos ist der zu prГјfende Modus, welcher mit der Option --mode angegeben wird.
Weitere Infos Гјber die einzelnen Modi und deren Konfiguration unter "Welcher Modus ist fГјr mich richtig ?" und "Konfiguration"

Weiterhin ist der Pfad zur Nagios Config Datei (nagios.cfg) Гјber die Option --config zu Гјbergeben. Auf einem Icinga System ist es entsprechend der Pfad zur icinga.cfg.

Гњber --pnpcfg wird der Pfad zum etc Verzeichnis der PNP4Nagios Installation Гјbergeben.

lenny:~# perl verify_pnp_config --mode npcdmod --config=/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg --pnpcfg=/usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc
[INFO] В ========== Starting Environment Checks ============
[INFO] В My version is: verify_pnp_config-0.6.14-R.31
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
[OK В ] В Running product is 'nagios'
[OK В ] В object_cache_file is defined
[OK В ] В object_cache_file=/usr/local/nagios/var/objects.cache
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/nagios/var/objects.cache
[OK В ] В resource_file is defined
[OK В ] В resource_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/process_perfdata.cfg
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/pnp4nagios_release
[OK В ] В Found PNP4Nagios version "0.6.14"
[OK В ] В Effective User is 'nagios'
[OK В ] В User nagios exists with ID '1000'
[OK В ] В Effective group is 'nagios'
[OK В ] В Group nagios exists with ID '1000'
[INFO] В ========== Checking npcdmod Mode Config В ============
[OK В ] В process_performance_data is 1 compared with '/1/'
[OK В ] В event_broker_options is defined
[OK В ] В event_broker_options=-1
[OK В ] В event_broker_option bits 2 and 3 enabled (12)
[OK В ] В broker_module is defined
[OK В ] В broker_module=/usr/local/pnp4nagios/lib/npcdmod.o config_file=/usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg
[OK В ] В npcdmod.o config file is /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg
[OK В ] В /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg used by npcdmod.o is readable
[OK В ] В npcd daemon is running
[OK В ] В /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg is used by npcd and readable
[OK В ] В npcd and npcdmod.o are using the same config file (/usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg)
[INFO] В Nagios config looks good so far
[INFO] В ========== Checking config values ============
[INFO] В Reading /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg
[OK В ] В Script /usr/local/pnp4nagios/libexec/ is executable
[INFO] В ========== Starting global checks ============
[OK В ] В status_file is defined
[OK В ] В status_file=/dev/shm/status.dat
[INFO] В Reading /dev/shm/status.dat
[INFO] В ==== Starting rrdtool checks ====
[OK В ] В RRDTOOL is defined
[OK В ] В RRDTOOL=/usr/bin/rrdtool
[OK В ] В /usr/bin/rrdtool is executable
[OK В ] В RRDtool 1.3.1 В Copyright 1997-2008 by Tobias Oetiker <>
[OK В ] В USE_RRDs is defined
[OK В ] В USE_RRDs=1
[OK В ] В Perl RRDs modules are loadable
[INFO] В ==== Starting directory checks ====
[OK В ] В RRDPATH is defined
[OK В ] В RRDPATH=/usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata
[OK В ] В Perfdata directory '/usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/perfdata' exists
[WARN] В 62 hosts/services are not providing performance data
[WARN] В 'process_perf_data 1' is set for 43 hosts/services which are not providing performance data!
[WARN] В 'process_perf_data 0' is set for 27 of your hosts/services
[OK В ] В 'process_perf_data 1' is set for 243 of your hosts/services
[INFO] В ==== System sizing ====
[OK В ] В 269 hosts/service objects defined
[INFO] В ==== Check statistics ====
[WARN] В Warning: 3, Critical: 0
[WARN] В Checks finished...