(PHP >= 5.3.0, PECL phar >= 2.0.0)
Phar::unlinkArchive — Completely remove a phar archive from disk and from memory
The path on disk to the phar archive.
Returns TRUE if the archive is successfully removed from disk.
PharException is thrown if there are any open file pointers to the phar archive, or any existing Phar, PharData, or PharFileInfo objects referring to the phar archive.
Пример #1 A Phar::unlinkArchive() example
// simple usage
// more common example:
$p = new Phar('my.phar');
$fp = fopen('phar://my.phar/file.txt', 'r');
// this creates 'my.phar.gz'
$gp = $p->compress(Phar::GZ);
// remove all references to the archive
// now remove all traces of the archive