(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL zip >= 1.5.0)
ZipArchive::locateName — Returns the index of the entry in the archive
Locates an entry using its name.
The name of the entry to look up
The function returns the index of the file named fname in archive. The flags are specified by ORing the following values, or 0 for none of them.
Returns the index of the entry on success or FALSE on failure.
Пример #1 Create an archive and then use it with locateName
$file = 'testlocate.zip';
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open($file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
$zip->addFromString('entry1.txt', 'entry #1');
$zip->addFromString('entry2.txt', 'entry #2');
$zip->addFromString('dir/entry2d.txt', 'entry #2');
if (!$zip->status == ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OK) {
echo "failed to write zip\n";
if ($zip->open($file) !== TRUE) {
echo $zip->locateName('entry1.txt') . "\n";
echo $zip->locateName('eNtry2.txt') . "\n";
echo $zip->locateName('eNtry2.txt', ZIPARCHIVE::FL_NOCASE) . "\n";
echo $zip->locateName('enTRy2d.txt', ZIPARCHIVE::FL_NOCASE|ZIPARCHIVE::FL_NODIR) . "\n";