(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)
mb_encode_numericentity — Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
Converts specified character codes in string str from HTML numeric character reference to character code.
The string being encoded.
convmap is array specifies code area to convert.
The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
The converted string.
Пример #1 convmap example
$convmap = array (
int start_code1, int end_code1, int offset1, int mask1,
int start_code2, int end_code2, int offset2, int mask2,
int start_codeN, int end_codeN, int offsetN, int maskN );
// Specify Unicode value for start_codeN and end_codeN
// Add offsetN to value and take bit-wise 'AND' with maskN, then
// it converts value to numeric string reference.
Пример #2 mb_encode_numericentity() example
/* Convert Left side of ISO-8859-1 to HTML numeric character reference */
$convmap = array(0x80, 0xff, 0, 0xff);
$str = mb_encode_numericentity($str, $convmap, "ISO-8859-1");
/* Convert user defined SJIS-win code in block 95-104 to numeric
string reference */
$convmap = array(
0xe000, 0xe03e, 0x1040, 0xffff,
0xe03f, 0xe0bb, 0x1041, 0xffff,
0xe0bc, 0xe0fa, 0x1084, 0xffff,
0xe0fb, 0xe177, 0x1085, 0xffff,
0xe178, 0xe1b6, 0x10c8, 0xffff,
0xe1b7, 0xe233, 0x10c9, 0xffff,
0xe234, 0xe272, 0x110c, 0xffff,
0xe273, 0xe2ef, 0x110d, 0xffff,
0xe2f0, 0xe32e, 0x1150, 0xffff,
0xe32f, 0xe3ab, 0x1151, 0xffff );
$str = mb_encode_numericentity($str, $convmap, "sjis-win");