Firebird/InterBase Функции
PHP Manual


(PHP 4)

ibase_timefmtSets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries


bool ibase_timefmt ( string $format [, int $columntype ] )

Sets the format of timestamp, date or time type columns returned from queries.

You can set defaults for these formats with the PHP configuration directives ibase.timestampformat, ibase.dateformat and ibase.timeformat.

Замечание: This function has been removed from PHP 5, use ini_set() instead.

Список параметров


Internally, the columns are formatted by c-function strftime(), so refer to its documentation regarding to the format of the string.


columntype is one of the constants IBASE_TIMESTAMP, IBASE_DATE and IBASE_TIME. If omitted, defaults to IBASE_TIMESTAMP for backwards compatibility.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.


Пример #1 ibase_timefmt() example

/* InterBase 6 TIME-type columns will be returned in
 * the form '05 hours 37 minutes'. */
ibase_timefmt("%H hours %M minutes"IBASE_TIME);

Firebird/InterBase Функции
PHP Manual