(PECL apd >= 0.2)
apd_breakpoint — Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket
This can be used to stop the running of your script, and await responses on the connected socket. To step the program, just send enter (a blank line), or enter a php command to be executed.
An integer which is formed by adding together the XXX_TRACE constants.
It is not recommended to use MEMORY_TRACE. It is very slow and does not appear to be accurate. ASSIGNMENT_TRACE is not implemented yet.
To turn on all functional traces (TIMING, FUNCTIONS, ARGS SUMMARY (like strace -c)) use the value 99
Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.
Пример #1 Typical session using tcplisten
bash#tcplisten localhost 7777 APD - Advanced PHP Debugger Trace File --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process Pid (6118) Trace Begun at Sun Mar 10 23:13:12 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 0.000000): apd_set_session_trace called at /home/alan/Projects/project2/test. php:5 ( 0.074824): apd_set_session_trace_socket() at /home/alan/Projects/project2/tes t.php:5 returned. Elapsed (0.074824) ( 0.074918): apd_breakpoint() /home/alan/Projects/project2/test.php:7 ++ argv[0] $(??) = 9 apd_breakpoint() at /home/alan/Projects/project2/test.php:7 returned. Elapsed ( -2089521468.1073275368) >\n statement: /home/alan/Projects/project2/test.php:8 >\n statement: /home/alan/Projects/project2/test.php:8 >\n statement: /home/alan/Projects/project2/test.php:10 >apd_echo($i); EXEC: apd_echo($i); 0 >apd_echo(serialize(apd_get_active_symbols())); EXEC: apd_echo(serialize(apd_get_active_symbols())); a:47:{i:0;s:4:"PWD";i:1;s:10:"COLORFGBG";i:2;s:11:"XAUTHORITY";i:3;s:14:" COLORTERM_BCE";i:4;s:9:"WINDOWID";i:5;s:14:"ETERM_VERSION";i:6;s:16:"SE SSION_MANAGER";i:7;s:4:"PS1";i:8;s:11:"GDMSESSION";i:9;s:5:"USER";i:10;s:5:" MAIL";i:11;s:7:"OLDPWD";i:12;s:5:"LANG";i:13;s:10:"COLORTERM";i:14;s:8:"DISP LAY";i:15;s:8:"LOGNAME";i:16;s:6:" >apd_echo(system('ls /home/mydir')); ........ >apd_continue(0);