short installation note:
You need at least PHP 4.3.0 for the compression to work
To install on PHP 4.3.0 and later at the Unix command prompt type
pear install bcompiler
To install on Windows, until the binary package distribution
mechanism is finished please search the archives of the pear-general
mailing list for pre-built packages. (or send an email to it if you could
not find a reference)
To install on older versions you need to make some slight changes to the
untar the bcompiler.tgz archive into
php4/ext.(Get it directly from
PECL » http://pecl.php.net/get/bcompiler)
If the new directory is now called something like bcompiler-0.x, then you
should rename it to bcompiler (except you only want to build it as
self-contained php-module).
If you are using versions before PHP 4.3.0, the you will need to copy the
Makefile.in.old to Makefile.in
and config.m4.old to config.m4.
run phpize in
run ./buildconf in php4
run configure with
--enable-bcompiler (and your other options)
make; make install
- that's it.