B.3. Supporting manufacturers

UPS manufacturers

  • Eaton, our main supporter, as presented in the above section.
  • Gamatronic, through Nadav Moskovitch, has revived the sec driver (as gamatronic), and expanded a bit genericups for its UPSs with alarm interface.
  • Microdowell, through Elio Corbolante, has created the microdowell driver to support the Enterprise Nxx/Bxx serial devices. They also proposes NUT as an alternative to its software for Linux / Unix.
  • Powercom, through Alexey Morozov, has provided extensive information on its USB/HID devices, along with development units.

Appliances manufacturers

  • OpenGear has worked with NUT’s leader to successfully develop and integrate PDU support. Opengear, through Scott Burns, and Robert Waldie, has submitted several patches.