Storage-Side MetadataΒΆ
When saving data to object storage, Dovecot stores metadata associated with each blob for data recovery purposes.
This data is written to the HTTP endpoint by adding Dovecot metadata headers to the request. When retrieving a message from object storage, this data is returned in the received headers (only parsed by Dovecot if needed).
The header name used is specific to the obox driver:
Driver Metadata Header azure x-ms-meta-dovecot_<key> s3 x-amz-meta-dovecot-<key> sproxyd X-Object-meta-dovecot-<key> swift X-Object-Meta-<key>
The metacache keys available are:
Key Description Max Length (in bytes) Data Type Other username Dovecot unique username N/A (installation dependent) guid Message guid 32 size Message size (in bytes) 20 (in theory; rarely more than 10) received Received date (unix timestamp) 20 (in theory; rarely more than 10) saved Saved date (unix timestamp) 20 (in theory; rarely more than 10) pop3uidl POP UIDL N/A (depends on source installation) Only if message migrated pop3order POP message order 10 Only if needed by migration origbox Folder guid of first folder where
stored(copying does not update this)
32 fname Dovecot filename N/A - installation dependent (username component) Dictmap only username Dovecot unique username N/A (installation dependent) index size Bundle size (in bytes) 20 (in theory; rarely more than 10) index fname Dovecot filename N/A - installation dependent (username component) index Dictmap only mailbox-guid Mailbox guid the index refers to 32 index Dictmap only username Dovecot unique username N/A (installation dependent) fts fname Dovecot filename N/A - installation dependent (username component) fts Dictmap only