Virtualised Architecture

Dovecot comes in 3 layer architecture:

  • Proxies
  • Directors
  • Backends

In physical machine based hosting there are usually number of CPUs per each instance type.

Sample configuration used in this article which is based on the needed concurrent connections of a sample use case.

3 layer architecture Instances CPU Cores Total cores
Proxy 3 4 12
Director 3 4 12
Backend 8 8 64
Total 14 16 88

No over commitment of resources

Dovecot does not benefit from over allocating of resources and that should be avoided to avoid random errors in the system. This means if Dovecot is configured to run on 4 cores, there should be 4 cores available for Dovecot. The same applies to RAM: running out of RAM will happen and lead to random errors if the visible RAM is over allocated on host OS and not available for Dovecot running on guest OS.

Dovecot cares about the CPU cores, but the cores can be hyper-threaded cores, they don’t have to be physical cores if hyper threading is enabled and supported by the guest OS.

Overall in virtual environments more smaller virtual machines is recommended over few larger machines. These smaller machines might not be economical in physical servers, but are useful for virtualised hardware where several virtual machines can be combined together to utilise a single physical host.

Proxy Virtualisation

Proxy layer sizing for physical servers: 2-4 cores per instance. As 2 core physical machines are rare nowadays on servers, proxies are ideal targets for virtualisation. Typically on physical servers 4 cores are used if SSL is offloaded from IMAPS to IMAP on the proxies. In most customer projects SSL is offloaded on the physical Load Balancer, such as F5, which leaves the proxy infrastructure to Dovecot proxy use. Please see also Virtualised Proxy sizing below.

Proxy layer can be expanded by adding CPUs and RAM therefore e.g. assigning multiple login processes, one per CPU core, utilising the extra cores on the system.

The proxy layer can also be expanded by adding more instances of proxy nodes which is easy in virtualised environments.

Director Virtualisation

Director layer sizing for physical servers: 2-4 cores per instance. As 2 core physical machines are rare nowadays on servers, directors are ideal targets for virtualisation. The director process is typically running on a single CPU, so to utilise the added cores there needs to be more processes assigned, one per core. Please see also Virtualised Director sizing below.

Director layer can be expanded by adding CPUs and RAM therefore e.g. assigning multiple director processes, one per CPU core, utilising the extra cores on the system.

The director layer can also be expanded by adding more instances of director nodes which is easy in virtualised environments.

Backend Virtualisation

Backend layer sizing for physical servers: 4-8 cores per instance. As the backend is automatically spreading the load on all CPU resources available, it will be more efficient to add more cores to backend instances than to other nodes.

Backend layer can be expanded by adding CPUs and RAM therefore expanding the throughput of the backend node. Please see also Virtualised Backend sizing below.

The backend layer can also be expanded by adding more instances of backend nodes which is easy in virtualised environments.

Sizing Virtual Machines

General rule of thumb is to have optimise for more smaller virtual instances than aggregating less instances with more capacity per instance. This makes the maintenance operations less disruptive and maintenance operations transparent to end users as there are less users being affected in any eventual guest OS maintenance.

As an example for VM sizing for node types is an use case where concurrent sessions require 3 proxies, 3 directors and 8 backends.

Virtualised Proxy sizing

As an example if the concurrent connections require 3 instances of 4 CPU proxies it’s better to have 12 single core proxy instances than 3 instances of 4 core proxies. Unless specifically configured the proxy does not utilise the additional cores for login process which is one of the main processes on proxy. If any of the proxy nodes needs to be taken offline from production for e.g. OS upgrade, the effect is only 1/12 = 8,3% in the case of 12 single core proxy instances and 1/3 = 33,3% if there are 3 instances of 4 core proxies.

Virtualised Director sizing

Directors are not only talking in vertical mode (IMAP, POP, LMTP, doveadm) but also horizontally (ring communication). Therefore the recommended maximum amount of instances is 9 director nodes for a single director ring to not increase the latency of director ring communication excessively.

Therefore if the concurrent connections as an example require 3 instances of 4 CPU cores, it would be better to have 4 instances of 3 CPU cores to have less affect of any maintenance operations, but not to expand the ring to 12 nodes of each with a single CPU core.

Virtualised Backend sizing

Backends are doing all the heavy lifting and in the case of using object storage as the storage for emails and indexes, backends need fast IO capable preferably local ephemeral storage which needs to be existing for the duration of the virtual instance. No actual damage is done if the local fscache or metacache is wiped. Fscache consists of temporary cache of individual mail files which are cached as some clients are requesting larger mails in parts. Caching the entire mail mean less IO to object storage. Metacache in turn is the indexes and metadata which can be recovered from the object storage in the case of new virtual machine or new user login - or a new mail delivery - to a user whose data is not cached on the backend yet.

Same principle applies for backends as is true for proxies and directors as well: smaller instances are better than larger instances as the maintenance operations are then less disruptive if there are more smaller nodes.

As an example if the concurrent connections sizing require 8 instances of 8 core backends, it’s better to have 16 instances of 4 core backends. In the case of 8 instances the hit of e.g. OS upgrade is 1/8 = 12,5 %, but in the case of 16 instances of 4 CPUs only 1/17 = 6.3% per node which needs to be upgraded. There is not necessarily advantage to break the backends into small 2 core instances as backends can utilise well the available CPU cores.

Allocating Virtual Instances on Physical Machines

It is advisable to not collect the same role to same physical machine. In other words not all proxies should be running on same physical node, but the physical node should have different Dovecot roles assigned to it.

Recommendation is to collect Proxy, Director and Backend to same physical machine. If the space allows (in terms of CPUs and RAM) there could be multiple times the same set per physical machine.

As an example using the same sizing of nodes as before, single physical machine could be sharing:

3 layer architecture Instances CPU Cores Total cores
Proxy 1 3 3
Director 3 1 3
Backend 4 4



If the sample physical server has 24 cores, it leaves 2 cores for hypervisor.

Using 4 physical machines, equalling in total 88 needed cores to as in the beginning, total of 96 cores are used as it’s likely more economical sizing. When using set of 4 equally configured physical hosts, loosing a single host server means loosing 1/4 = 25% of the concurrent sessions which Dovecot will balance to other existing machines. This 25% is quite a lot, but should not be a likely scenario in any case with highly available modern server hardware.